Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Taking time

It's been so nice these last few days not to have to be anywhere for a set time. I've been writing - adding words to all three books and enjoying the process. I've finally got around to making a proper author page for FACEBOOK I suppose now I'll have to behave like a proper author. I've been busy booking some fabby guest bloggers to visit here over the next few months. I met up with Elizabeth Hanbury and Phillipa Ashley my fellow coffee crew authors for one of our working, okay, gossiping lunches. As always it's so inspirational and I always come away fired up and ready to write. Look out for Phillipa's book Wish You were here btw if you're in the US as it's released tomorrow by Sourcebooks. (It's one of my favourite reads of Phillipa's) I've been pottering around the house catching up on laundry, cleaning the insides of the windows - it's not foggy out there, who knew? And generally annoying the belles with requests to tidy up, put things away etc. To make my week even better I'm off soon to one of my favourite places. A tiny town on the Welsh border just for a couple of days. The fish and house sitters are organised so hopefully I can spend a few days in lovely countryside with a notepad and pen adding a few more words to my wips.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A bit of a catch up!

I've been a bit of a bad blogger lately. My excuse is that time seems to be whizzing past and I have been horrendously busy. Things are moving swiftly with Renovation, Renovation, Renovation - edits are due anytime soon and yesterday I saw some of the cover concepts - all of which are gorgeous and different and lovely. As soon as I get the official release dates I'll be shouting about them on here. I'm halfway through writing the second contracted book for Myrmidon so I'm having to pick my way through the various complicated plot threads at the minute to make sure i don't end up with holes.
I'm also still writing Sour Grapes, my shorter novella. I have the next week off from the day job so I may do some more on that then. That's also half done. Then there's my secret, not supposed to be writing it at all book. All I'll tell you is that it's Jane Austen inspired contemporary rom com.
The belles have been busy too with my eldest dd sitting her AS level exams, and the two younger ones taking part in the annual dance show, plus my middle dd working with her theatre group ready for the summer festival.
I'm really looking forward to a week just puttering about, tinkering with my wips and tidying up the house. It'll be so nice not to have to rush around everywhere.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Winners from the round the world blog hop

A huge big thank you to everyone who stopped by. I so enjoyed reading your stories. There were so many of you I'm going to give away three downloads of Making Waves.
The winners are:
Congratulations - your prize will be in your inbox soon!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Trip Around the World: Mega Author Blog Hop: Ticket to Paradise!

1) Have fun!
3) THIS TOUR STARTS: Monday, May 16, at Midnight (Arizona Time)
THIS TOUR ENDS: Monday, May 23, at Midnight (Arizona Time)

Welcome to those of you who've hopped here from Tricia Schneider's blog. Shake off the jet lag from the fast ride from Germany and welcome to Cornwall. Home of King Arthur and the Knights of the round table at mystical Tintagel. Did I mention it was the home of Daphne Du Maurier? We also boast world class surfing beaches along with fabulous food like clotted cream, Rick Steins seafood restaurant at St Ives and even a a mystical beast haunting the wild moors of Bodmin. Not to mention smugglers and if you were a Poldark fan... well need I say more?
That's why I couldn't resist setting Making Waves there.
Making Waves by Nell Dixon Astraea Press
Also available from Amazon in Kindle format, Smashwords, B&N and other reputable e-tailers.
Cassidy Jones needs a holiday and her friend's cottage in New Bay sounds perfect. The beach could heal the bruises from losing her job and her fiancé. Perfect for some time alone to gather her thoughts and heal her broken heart.
Josh Parker is also looking forward to a much needed break after eighteen months of non-stop work. His out of town friend offers her cottage and Josh thinks it would be just right for some time to let his hair down and revive his social life with his old surf buddies.
One cottage, two unsuspecting occupants, a recipe for romance or disaster?

An outside table stood empty in the far corner near the seawall under the shade of a gaily striped umbrella. Cassidy took a seat and pulled off her hat, dropping it on the table. She ruffled her hair with her hands in an attempt to restore some bounce to her smooth auburn bob.
The pretty blonde waitress was busy taking an order from a group of surfers crowded together on a couple of tables near the outdoor service hatch. Cassidy sat back in the shade to wait her turn.
The male surfers were all wearing black or blue wetsuits, unzippered and rolled down to the waist. Pretty girls in tiny bikinis laughed and chatted as the group placed their orders.
One of the guys with his back toward her seemed strangely familiar. It was something about his stance and the untidy mop of dark brown hair. Cassidy sat up straight, willing him to turn around so she could see his face. Her heart thumped in a mix of fear and anticipation as she watched him chatting to the girls.
The waitress came toward her with a pad and pen in hand. Cassidy ordered a fruit juice, her attention still focused on the man with his back to her. Then, just as the waitress left to take Cassidy’s drink order inside the café, he turned around.
“Cassidy? Cassidy Jones?”
Her heart sank. It looked as if she had been wrong about not meeting anyone who knew her here in New Bay. Of all the people she hadn’t wanted to bump into,
“Hello, Josh, what a surprise to see you.” Josh Parker was definitely one of them.
He crossed the paved area between the tables to come and stand at her table, a bewildered expression on his face. “What brings you here? I thought you and Ethan were supposed to be headed for the Seychelles.” He looked around as if he expected Ethan to suddenly materialize beside her.
Cassidy bit her lip. It looked as if her famously work-obsessed boss hadn’t heard the news.
“I didn’t get married.” She tried not to sound terse. In her head she’d practised how she would tell people and explain to them what had happened. Now, confronted in the last place on earth she had expected to see someone she knew, all her carefully chosen phrases deserted her. “Ethan dumped me.”
Josh looked confused. “So, you’re not married?”
Cassidy clenched her teeth. “No.”
She did a mental eye-roll. For a supposedly intelligent man who’d built up a thriving dotcom marketing business, Josh could be mystifyingly dense. “Are you here on holiday?” She prayed he’d say no, that he was just a day tripper. He hadn’t taken a holiday to her knowledge for over a year.
“I’m here for three weeks. I’m staying in a friend’s cottage.” He made a vague gesture in the direction of the cliffs.
Cassidy’s heart sank. Not only was he staying in New Bay, but her cottage was on the cliffs overlooking the sea, too.
© Nell Dixon 2010
Romance with Heart
Look out for Dangerous to Know and explore the English Lake District – also from Astraea Press
To be in with a chance to win a download of Making Waves - leave me a comment telling me about your favourite holiday memory and I'll draw a winner. Enjoy your next stop on the blog hop in the Roman Forums of the 1880's.Elizabeth Amber

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Brief Encounters

It's out!
You can get your copy HERE also available in other reputable digital outlets. Check out the Brief Encounters site for a contest running this week to win a copy - starting tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A day trip to the US embassy

Today I finally got round to doing something I should have done a while ago. I finally applied for my itin number so I can get an exemption from paying tax on my US earnings in the US. I'd reached a point where it had to be done otherwise everything I earn in the US gets taxed at 30% there and then again here at 20%.
If you're wondering why I hadn't sorted it out before it's because it's a real pain in the bum. It involves getting a letter from my publisher/s taking my passport, and a form to the US embassy in London in person and having them verify all the documents, copy them, they send them to Dallas and then all being well 12 weeks later you get sent your number so you can then fill out another form and pass it on to the publisher.
If I lived near London it wouldn't be such a big deal but with trying to balance family life, the day job and find the money for train fares it becomes a big deal.
Luckily today I had Phillipa Ashley to keep me company so we met up at Euston and went together. Mr Nell had been a bit antsy as Mr Bin Laden's recent demise may have caused problems but it worked in our favour as there wasn't a queue for the IRS dept. We dutifully surrendered our phones and car keys to the nice security people and Phillipa drank some of her water to prove it wasn't going to blow them all sky high and then we went through to the dept.
The man in the dept wasn't exactly Mr Cheerful but he was very helpful and made sure we had everything filled in correctly.
Even so we were quite glad to get out, reclaim our property and tazz off for lunch and a quick shufty around Marks and Sparks before getting the train home.
Definitely one of mine and Phillipa's stranger adventures but we had a lovely lunch and a good gossip. Now fingers crossed we get our numbers through okay!

Monday, May 02, 2011

Alternate Rialto

My wonderful CP Kimberly Mennozzi has a new release! Please go check out and grab a copy of Alternate Rialto - available for download from Smashwords. I promise that if you like women's fiction with a dose of romance but a hint of something dark then this is the read for you.
Here's the blurb: All Emily Miller wants from her trip to Italy is the chance to get over her recent breakup. Watching her beautiful best friend Jenn revel in the attention of countless available men isn't helping matters. After arriving in Venice for the final week of their trip, hurt and disappointed, Emily strikes out on her own.

After a chance encounter in a paper shop, she finds herself the object of the affections of a handsome Venetian named Jacopo. At his invitation, she decides to throw caution to the wind and take a chance on a once-in-a-lifetime fling. Before she can do so, however, Emily must let go of the pain of her past and learn how to trust her own judgment in matters of the heart. Nevertheless, as Jacopo reveals more about himself and his surprisingly long-term intentions toward her, Emily comes to realize that in Venice, not all the masks are put away after Carnevale.

At $2.99 it's a steal! Buy Here Go on, treat yourself!