Sigh, what can I say? I've been in a long term relationship with Bryan Adams for over twenty years now. Last night I got to see him again. Just Bryan, me and a few thousand other people. For those of you who are concerned about Mr Nell - it's ok. He understands that if/when Bryan realises that i'm the perfect woman for him, then he'll stand aside. In return I've promised to do the same should Linda Lusardi ever consider Mr Nell.
If you've never been to a Bryan Adams concert then don't go expecting elephants, giant robots, fancy lighting, support acts and costume changes. What you get is Bryan in his black tee shirt and jeans, some guitars and a few other assorted musicians also in black shirts and jeans and that's all he needs. He sang and played for two and a half hours without a break and every song was a hit.
I love that he keeps his private life private, supports many excellent charities quietly without making a huge deal of it, is a talented photographer and just an all round nice person as well as being an incredible rock singer.
I also based a bit of Drew in Crystal Clear on Bryan.
I love Bryan - and once saw him at the NEC arena. Lucky, you, Nell - he's fantastic but were you chosen to sing on stage?
The woman singing on stage last night had promised 7k to charity. She was rather odd with a strange clawlike hand and a not very good voice. Since I can't carry a tune in a bucket despite grand self- delusions about my ability to sing I would never be brave enough to do that so kudos to her for having the nerve.
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