Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Guest Blogger - Felicia Rogers

A warm welcome to my guest today, Felicia Rogers, talking about The Ruse, her new Regency release.

The Ruse, Andrews Brothers, Book One

The fix is in…but her heart can’t be fooled.

Luke Andrews, Baron of Stockport, is in trouble. He needs a wealthy bride to secure future funds for his financially shaky estate, but the belle of the London season is a spoiled terror with an arrogant father. They’d try the nerves of a saint and Luke can’t quite bring himself to make an offer he knows he’d regret.

Meanwhile, Luke’s half-brother Chadwick never could resist a good game of Faro, or anything else, for that matter. With the baron away, Chadwick will play — gambling the estate’s remaining funds into oblivion. He needs to devise his own scheme to replace the money he’s lost, before his brother returns.

In Stockport village, Brigitta Blackburn doesn’t have two sticks to rub together — literally. With the estate in financial distress and rents high, food and wood are scarce. When she sneaks onto the baron’s land to steal some firewood, she’s caught, hauled before the play-acting “baron,” Chadwick, and offered a solution to her plight… and his.

But Chadwick’s ruse embroils them all. How can Brigitta accept what she thinks to be true, when she really yearns to follow her heart?

--a traditional Regency novel

On sale for 0.99 from Dec. 24th to Dec. 29th!!!

Available from Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/lkdksyd Amazon UK: http://tinyurl.com/lt2lwkn

Here's an excerpt to tempt you!

Fountains bubbled and birds landed in the baths. Luke took the long trail and walked by the fishing pond and hunting grounds. A rock jutted out from the mountain and Luke paused, blocking the sun from his face. From his high perch, the ruins of Stockport Castle tumbled across the green below. He remembered being a lad and staring at the ruins while holding tightly to his father’s hand. His father’s vivid descriptions had almost made him feel as if he’d walked through the hallowed halls that lay destroyed.

Reality of how things that stood the test of time could still plunge into nothingness gnawed at his innards and he wished his father was around to offer wisdom.

Downhearted, he shoved his hands in his pockets and turned. Upon approaching the manse, he knitted his brows. A line of people gathered. Behind them, carriages lined the road almost as far away as the village.

He strode toward the crowd and joined them. Raindrops fell and he tugged his top hat lower. The throng groaned and waved umbrellas aloft. Before them the manse doors parted and they entered the east wing of the estate. Tourists dressed in fine frocks with plumed hats filed into the main room, staring avidly about at his home. An individual Luke had never seen acted as a guide, lifting his hands and pointing at one side of the curved staircase.

There a woman of refined grace descended.

The guide announced, “Introducing Baroness Stockport, Brigitta Andrews.”

Luke blinked rapidly as the woman turned, smiled, and waved. The crowd returned her actions. She continued to descend until she reached the landing, where she stopped.

From the opposite set of stairs, his half-brother Chadwick, dressed in regal attire, descended. The red coat emphasized his broad shoulders, which he held back. His face scrunched, he didn’t look at the crowd, but instead focused a look filled with unrequited hatred toward the woman on the landing.

The guide lifted his hand toward Chadwick and said, “Introducing the Baron of Stockport.” Luke covered his gasp and huddled deeper into his coat. What is the meaning of this?

Before any further thoughts could drift through Luke’s mind, Chadwick stopped in the middle of the stairs and shouted, “And just what do you think you’re wearing?”

The woman bristled. “I’m wearing the yellow today, my lord.”

“The yellow? Blah. I’ve told you I detest yellow. Get thee upstairs and change this instant.” He pointed his finger above and the lady cocked a brow and glared.

“You will not tell me what to do! I’m the baroness and I can do as I please. If I want to wear yellow, then I shall wear yellow!”

Chadwick didn’t waver and Brigitta hitched her skirts and ran upstairs. Chadwick faced the crowd and apologized for his wife’s behavior before casually turning on his heel and leaving himself.

Shocked, Luke blindly followed the crowd. The guide led them through the entire east wing. They studied the wall of family portraits, swooned over the ancient family heirlooms, and ended with a riding tour of the grounds. With each new sight his ire increased. While he’d been strangled initially by feelings of cold, blind rage, the trip on horseback through the grounds cooled his temper and now he was naught but confused.

The event ended and the visitors left in their carriages. Discreetly, Luke sneaked into the house through a downstairs window and raced on tiptoe to his chambers. He sat at a desk and pondered until his head ached. Finally, he pulled the servant’s rope that led directly to his personal valet’s room. He paced, his mind jumbled with nonsensical thoughts. The door opened and he blurted, “Jarvis, I have a problem.”

The valet entered and closed the door. A blank stare covered his face as he blurted, “My lord, we weren’t expecting you. Welcome home.”

“There is something foul at play here.”

Jarvis squinted, lifted his nose, and sniffed.

“Not an odor, Jarvis.”

He lowered his chin. “Excuse me, your lordship, but I fail to understand your meaning.”

Without pretense, Luke said, “In the east wing, Chadwick is pretending to be me!”

“Are you sure?” asked Jarvis, his voice lending to a squeak.

He rounded on the servant. “Yes, I’m sure! They called his name as the Baron of Stockport and last I checked that was me!” (C) Felicia Rogers 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Guest post - Sherry Gloag - Name the Day!

Introducing Sherry Gloag, a fellow Astraea author with her fab new release - Name the day!

Best-selling author, Sherry Gloag is a transplanted Scot now living in the beautiful coastal countryside of Norfolk, England. She considers the surrounding countryside as extension of her own garden, to which she escapes when she needs "thinking time" and solitude to work out the plots for her next novel. While out walking she enjoys talking to her characters, as long as there are no other walkers close by.

Apart from writing, Sherry enjoys gardening, walking, reading and cheerfully admits her books tend to take over most of the shelf and floor space in her workroom-cum-office. She also finds crystal craft work therapeutic.

Sherry loves to hear from her readers. Contact Sherry!

Renowned portrait artist, Samantha Brown is through with men. After dealing with an overbearing father and cheating ex-fiance, Samantha is not in the market for romance, of any kind. Give her a blank canvas, some paints and brushes and she’s in charge of her life. There was no room in her life for love, so why did she find herself giving in to Rafael Santini’s outrageous demand that she paint his portrait?

Satisfied with his upcoming marriage of convenience Rafael Santini isn’t in the market for love. So, how come he finds the pint-sized artist stirring up emotions he didn’t have time for?

An accident forces Rafael to re-evaluate his life and wonder whether he can teach Samantha the art of love.


Why couldn’t the stubborn man get it? She wasn’t giving him any favours at the expense of her other clients. In his case, money would not talk. Almost all her clients were well-heeled, but most understood the time restraints. After all, as she told each person, including Rafael Santini, who contracted a commission they wouldn’t want her to rush their painting and offer them a sub-standard product, would they?

“Give me the names of your clients and I will arrange to exchange places in your queue.” His unequivocal belief pulsed across the airwaves. Did the stupid man expect her to break the confidences of her clients?

“Tell me, Mr. Santini,” she asked in her most dulcet tone, “if I asked for a list of your clients would you hand them over, simply because I wanted something?”

“Don’t be stupid woman. It’s not the same thing at all. I’m a businessman.”

Would someone please save me from stupid arrogant men, Samantha offered in silent plea to the ether without expecting any response.

“I may not deal in electronics and communications systems, or equipment for the world of espionage, secret agents, and private investigators, Mr. Santini, but I do maintain a strict code of integrity and honour and customer confidentiality.”

“Why would you need confidentiality to daub a few colours on a piece of paper?”

Is this guy for real? Does he think insults and condemnation will get him what he wants?

“Let me get this straight. You want my agreement to let you queue jump the rest of my clients, who, incidentally have all signed contracts to be here on specified dates at specific times, and then you will be quite happy for me to go around publicising the fact you are not only having your portrait done, but that you bullied, harassed and threatened me into agreeing to your terms? I don’t think so. Not to mention that in many cases the commission is usually a gift for someone special and total secrecy is not only expected it is essential.”

The silence at the other end of the phone was almost deafening.

© Sherry Gloag 2013

Grab your copy Amazon.com Amazon UK B&N and other good e tailers!

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Out Today - An Uncivil War

Out today! Overworked, over budget and just so not over him! Kate would like an engagement ring from Steve but instead he's lumbered them with a thirteenth renovation project, and doing up Myrtle Cottage disturbs a ghost from the English Civil War who has romance troubles of her own. Available from Amazon UK Amazon.com This was formerly released by Myrmidon Press as Renovation, Renovation, Renovation

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today's the Day!!

Todays the day! Christmas Ever After is officially out!!!! Available from Amazon.com and Amazon UK

Lady Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Bellhavan is dubbed the runaway bride after calling off her wedding on the eve of her marriage just a week before Christmas. Her best friend, Sophie has the perfect hideout for the beleaguered society belle, her childhood home, Tything Manor. Lottie won’t be alone for Christmas at the isolated Northumbrian manor house, Sophie’s older brother, Ranulf, the reclusive Earl of Craigmore will be there too.

Rafe is aware his unconventional looks and retiring nature won’t win any beauty contests but with the magic of the Christmas season and some judicious matchmaking from the meddlesome Sophie it might just be Christmas Ever After for Lottie and Rafe…

And here’s a taster

Charlotte picked up her mobile phone as if afraid it might bite her. She puffed out a sigh of relief when Sophie’s number showed on the screen.

“Are you okay, Lottie?” Her friend’s anxious voice reached her as soon as she accepted the call.

“I’m fine. I don’t think anyone will look for me here.” She tried to sound confident. Sophie was on enforced bed rest thanks to raised blood pressure caused by pregnancy and Lottie didn’t intend to raise her stress levels.

“Phew. I’m glad you got out of London. It’s ghastly here. I’m afraid Tom’s done exactly what you said he would do. The story is all over the press.”

Nausea rose in Lottie’s throat. “I’m not surprised. It’s what he knows, isn’t it? I don’t suppose it paints me in a very good light.” She tried to keep her tone cheerful even though she wanted to weep at the unfairness of it all.

“I made Henry bring me the newspapers. The headlines are all variations on a theme. ‘Society belle abandons fiancé at altar,’ etc, etc.”

Lottie pictured Sophie propped up in bed on a mountain of pillows wrinkling her pretty nose up in disgust as she spoke. “It wasn’t at the altar. It was the day before the wedding.”

There was a rustle of papers as Sophie replied. “I know that sweetie, and I know you had very good reasons for calling the wedding off. I just wish you’d let me tell the rest of the world about some of them.”

Lottie swallowed down the lump in her throat. She was so lucky to have Sophie as her friend. “It’ll blow over soon enough I suppose.” At least she hoped it would. She was glad that she was safely tucked away in Northumbria, out of the glare of the press spotlight. Tything Manor was well off the beaten track and few people knew of her connection with Sophie’s childhood home.

“Rafe should be with you later today, he called in to see me on his way from the airport.”

“The house is all ready. Food is stocked up and the oil for the heating was delivered yesterday.” She tried to remember when she’d last seen Sophie’s older brother, Ranulf.

© Nell Dixon 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Christmas Ever After - Cover reveal

Lady Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Bellhavan is dubbed the runaway bride after calling off her wedding on the eve of her marriage just a week before Christmas. Her best friend, Sophie has the perfect hideout for the beleaguered society belle, her childhood home, Tything Manor. Lottie won’t be alone for Christmas at the isolated Northumbrian manor house, Sophie’s older brother, Ranulf, the reclusive Earl of Craigmore will be there too.

Rafe is aware his unconventional looks and retiring nature won’t win any beauty contests but with the magic of the Christmas season and some judicious matchmaking from the meddlesome Sophie it might just be Christmas Ever After for Lottie and Rafe…

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

Release date for Christmas Ever After!

Pencil Monday September 23rd in your diary.

Lady Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Bellhavan is dubbed the runaway bride after calling off her wedding on the eve of her marriage just a week before Christmas. Her best friend, Sophie has the perfect hideout for the beleaguered society belle, her childhood home, Tything Manor. Lottie won’t be alone for Christmas at the isolated Northumbrian manor house, Sophie’s older brother, Ranulf, the reclusive Earl of Craigmore will be there too. Rafe is aware his unconventional looks and retiring nature won’t win any beauty contests but with the magic of the Christmas season and some judicious matchmaking from the meddlesome Sophie it might just be Christmas Ever After for Lottie and Rafe…

Monday, June 03, 2013

You go away for a few days...

Wow! I went away for a few days and everything went a bit crazy!

I had a new story release in a fabby anthology. Available from AMAZON and other etailers!

I also heard that the New Bay stories which you can get as single e book novellas or as an e book box set were also releasing as a print collection! Go Here to get a paperback copy!

Plus you need to check out my fabulous publisher, Astraea press's Book Club pagelater today to hear some exciting news for this month. (Hint, free ebook from me)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Miss La!

My youngest belle is 15 today and has a chemistry GCSE exam on her birthday!

Friday, May 03, 2013

Be My Hero is award nominated!

I recieved an email from InD’Tale magazine which said 'We went to extensive labor to create and present the most credible and prestigious award in the industry today. Our three round system of elimination covers every facet - highly reviewed, loved by fans, and critiqued by qualified judges. No other award system today begins to compare, making the RONE award the very highest of honors bestowed on a book in the publishing industry.Because your book, Be My Hero, received the high review rating of a 4 star or better, it has continued to the second, public voting phase for the 2012, RONE Awards. In this phase the readers will be narrowing down the contestants to 4 - 6 finalists in each genre by choosing the books they love best.'


Pretty, pretty please take a few minutes and vote for me. I know I won't get through this round but it'll save me from feeling like Billy no mates. VOTE HERE

The finalists in this round will then be read and judged by a group of professionals in the industry to determine the very best in indie and small published books of 2012. They will then be awarded the prestigious RONE award, itself, at the formal ceremonies, August 9th, at the Golden Nugget Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

It's so lovely when someone really gets your story and I knew this was a tough story. The heroine has a very real life dilemna so it wasn't your typical romance. I'm thrilled to bits that the reviewer loved it and it's up for this amazing award!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Write on...

I have a confession. I haven't been writing much this year. I want to write, the stories are in my head just bursting to get out but real life has taken over to such a huge extent that I simply haven't had the time or the desire to write.I will write again soon, I promise. I'm going to be doing more hours at my day job and that job has become immensely more stressful and difficult. My family life is also challenging right now. I have three teenage daughters who need me and they, and Mr Nell have to be my priority.

So I appologise for not being around much at the moment. Things are settling down into a new pattern and then I can hit the keyboard again.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Hurray for holidays

I'll be missing for a few days as Mr Nell and I are taking the belles away to the seaside in our tourer. Am hoping a freak heat wave will hit Dorset while we're there or we may be returning with less teenagers than when we started. In the meantime, you might like to pick up a copy of Radio Gaga for your reading pleasure!

Over the airwaves everyone can hear you scream!

Radio researcher and part-time presenter Chloe Lark is certain her big show biz break is just around the corner. Live it Up radio may not be the big time, but surely - one day soon - fame will come her way. And, if she could convince the hunky guy next door to give her a chance, her love life might improve too.

Ex-soldier Ben isn’t sure if his new ‘Z’ list celebrity neighbour is crazy or on medication. Either way he’s looking for a quiet life out of the spotlight. The last thing he needs is an accident prone media hungry blonde complete with mystery stalker. Problem is - Chloe doesn’t seem to have received that particular memo…

‘Great characters, exciting writing and a beautiful love story - a definite must have for your Kindle!’ 5*

Here’s an excerpt!

I knew it wasn’t burglars when I noticed the large empty space next to the bay window. No self-respecting burglar would break into someone’s home just to steal a life size cardboard cut-out of Darth Vader would they? No, it wasn’t burglars who’d nicked Darth or who’d cleared the shelf of the Queen CDs. It was Neil. He’d finally moved out, and taken Freddie Mercury and the Dark Lord with him as he went.

For a moment I stood trying to decide how I felt. Angry? Broken-hearted? In the time it took me to cross the room, enter the kitchen and dump my handbag on the worktop I decided my overwhelming feeling was relief.

Neil had raided the kitchen too: his state of the art coffee maker which I hadn’t been allowed to touch was gone, along with his juicer and his super fancy wok. Only a couple of spilled coffee beans on the countertop showed where they had been. I looked at the clippie magnet on the fridge to see if he’d left me a note. We’d always left messages for each other one there. A few months back they had been little love notes with kisses and pictures of hearts. Now the only thing on there was the ratty message I’d left for him yesterday asking him to pick up some milk on his way home. I walked back through the lounge to what had once been our bedroom. The wardrobe doors were open showing the empty hangers and his rack of immaculately arranged ties had gone. My mobile vibrated in my trouser pocket telling me I had a text as I sank down onto the edge of the bed. I knew what it would be before I even fished it out of my pocket.

‘Chloe, guess you know by now have moved out, thought would be better this way. U know it wasn’t working, sorry, N’ © Nell Dixon 2013

Available from http://www.amazon.com/Radio-Gaga-ebook/dp/B00BK7TY7C/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_t_1_GS4P And http://www.amazon.co.uk/Radio-Gaga-ebook/dp/B00BK7TY7C/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_t_2_6E46

Monday, March 25, 2013

White Easter?

I know statistically the chances are higher of having a white Easter than a white Christmas but all this snow? In March? Really? My back garden is a winter wonderland with the poor birds looking confused and miserable as they battle for the food on the bird stand. Luckily my eldest belle made it home from university before the weather closed in.

Somehow though the weather makes me not want to do anything. I'm back in dormouse mode, stuffing my cheeks with hot cross buns and ignoring my wip which is languishing on the computer.

if it makes you feel the same then why not go and download a copy of Easter Holiday and escape to Cornwall for an hour. Easter Holiday you won't regret it!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Guest Blogger - Lisa Chalmers

I'm so excited to introduce Lisa to you. I've known Lisa on line now for years and we used to get together regularly to talk books, swap stories and generally talk about publishing. One day i hope we'll get to meet but since she's across the pond I'll have to save my pennies.

She has a fabulous new book out so I'm going to let her tell you all about it!

Josh Collins has the perfect life—a beautiful girlfriend and a baby on the way, until an accident takes his life and he’s suddenly forced to fight for everything and everyone he loves.

Alone and pregnant, Avery Rhodes is suddenly faced with a painful new reality. Life without the man she loves is turbulent. Nothing feels the same any more without him and she finds herself facing the unimaginable.

With his newfound guide Gabriel, Josh is forced to learn what happens IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES.

Hi everyone,

First a big thank you to Nell for hosting my first ever guest blog  So happy to be here. It took me awhile to figure out what to talk about, since I’m not quite feeling very ‘published’ and author-like yet.

IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES has had a very, very long journey, and it’s morphed a lot along the way. I originally wrote the first draft about thirteen years ago. It was less than half the size that the story is now. I’m not sure what the original spark of the idea was, although if I went back and read some emails to my writing friends at the time, I could find something to pinpoint it but I do remember listening to the Garth Brooks song of the same name a lot during writing. My original cast of the hero was Nick from the Backstreet Boys. (I do have a weakness for good looking blondes with blue eyes!) and Gabriel his sidekick/guide, well Gabriel really didn’t have a real world counterpart at that point. He was still a bit of a mystery to me as I wrote him. I knew he was around Josh’s height, soft spoken and had a calm to him that he always seemed to want to direct towards Josh. Josh on the other hand, had a bit of a temper, that fire burning inside of him that fuelled his reckless streak that shows up in the book and causes him some trouble.

When I decided two years ago that this could be the first book I’d indie publish, because I didn’t think it would need a lot of reworking (ha,ha), I took another look at Josh. He’d recast himself a little, he’d done a bit of growing up. He still had a bit of Nick in him, but he’d also picked up bits of Josh Duhamel (especially the hair  ) and Heath Ledger too. Gabriel now had an actual inspiration. If you watch the NKOTB video for summertime, the first time I saw Donnie in the white outfit on the sand, well my mind went ‘there’s Gabriel’.

So with that cast in mind, my muse went happily back to work. 

You can get Lisa's book IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES from Amazon.com and from Amazon Uk Smashwords and other etailers following shortly!

For a chance to win a free copy of IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES leave Lisa a comment telling her your teenage boy crush and I'll get her to pick a winner on Monday!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Talks, workshops etc

Today I'm talking to U3A at the Public in West Bromwich this afternoon. I'm also taking bookings for libraries, writing groups and schools. I love running workshops and talking to groups. You meet such interesting and lovely people and I always learn new things myself as well as being able to help other people.

A huge thank you to everyone who's bought Radio Gaga and told me how much they're enjoying it! To those I kept up past midnight - sorry!

I'm busy now working on my new wips 'At the Dolphin Hotel', which is a romantic suspense and 'Stormy Vintage' which is a follow up to Passionate Harvest - telling Jake's story. I really need to crack on with both of those so hopefully now Radio gaga is out in the big world I'll have chance ahead of the paperback launch of Radio gaga in the Autumn.

Yesterday was Mother's Day here in the UK. I got lots of lovely yellow flowers - daffodils are my very favourites, some socks with unicorns on - I suspect those will be borrowed by my youngest belle before too long, and a footmuff shaped like a friesan cow to keep my feet warm. The cow has been named Ermintrude and she has bells on so my feet will be toasty warm and jingly!

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Guest Blogger - Kelly Martin

Making Your Characters Three Dimensional.

I want to first thank Nell for having me here. I’ve been a fan of hers for a while! I’m excited to be here talking about a part of writing I love—turning an idea into a ‘breathing’ person.

When I began thinking about what to write, I got to thinking about what I was going through—writer wise. One thing that has really stuck out to me is how to make a character three dimensional.

If you think about it, all characters start off as a basic idea: Rachel Harker: Red head, church-goer, sad

Sloan Bridges: former ‘bad girl’, bottle blonde, green eyes.

A few basic adjectives are all that make your character exist… so how do you turn that into a character/a person readers care about?

I’m writing a book right now where the main character has amnesia. Have you ever tried to write that? It’s horrible! I mean, Jason Bourne… a great character to have amnesia, but I didn’t write him (which I’m sure he’s excited about). I’m sure I would have messed him up.

I realized through writing this book that a lot of a character’s 3D-ness (their soul) comes from their past. If a character can’t remember their past, it’s hard to connect with them.

A flat ‘good’ character or a character with no flaws isn’t believeable either because, honestly, how many of us are flawless? To have a character people want to get involved with means to give the character a soul, a past, something to reach for in the future.

Don’t make your characters 1D. Get to ‘know’ them. Do everything you can to make them human (or vampire or werewolf or elf….). If you can make your characters relatable (even your bad guys), you’ve won half the battle. Readers will forget they are ‘reading a book’ and picture themselves watching a movie… or better yet, getting involved with your characters as friends or people they find themselves caring about.

How do you find the soul—the 3D—in your characters?

~Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin is a southern girl who lives with her husband and three rowdy, angelic daughters. By day, she is a teacher. By night, she is a crazy-haired, multi-tasker who writes when the kids go to bed.

She has two young adult novels out now: SAINT SLOAN (about a girl who can’t get away from her past) and CROSSING THE DEEP (a girl’s faith is tested, stranding on a mountain with a guy she barely knows). Both are Amazon bestsellers.

You can find her at any of her two blogs: www.kellymartinstories.com (author blog) and www.encourage365.com (daily devotional blog).

Kelly loves God, is addicted to chocolate, and would rather write than sleep.




Friday, March 01, 2013

Release day for Radio Gaga!

Today is the big day! Radio Gaga is officially released! It's available on Amazon for kindle for three months then other ebook retailers will follow with a print version coming in aprox September time.

Over the airwaves everyone can hear you scream!

Radio researcher and part-time presenter Chloe Lark is certain her big show biz break is just around the corner. Live it Up radio may not be the big time, but surely - one day soon - fame will come her way. And, if she could convince the hunky guy next door to give her a chance, her love life might improve too.

Ex-soldier Ben isn’t sure if his new ‘Z’ list celebrity neighbour is crazy or on medication. Either way he’s looking for a quiet life out of the spotlight. The last thing he needs is an accident prone media hungry blonde complete with mystery stalker. Problem is - Chloe doesn’t seem to have received that particular memo…

Here’s an excerpt!

I knew it wasn’t burglars when I noticed the large empty space next to the bay window. No self-respecting burglar would break into someone’s home just to steal a life size cardboard cut-out of Darth Vader would they?

No, it wasn’t burglars who’d nicked Darth or who’d cleared the shelf of the Queen CDs. It was Neil. He’d finally moved out, and taken Freddie Mercury and the Dark Lord with him as he went.

For a moment I stood trying to decide how I felt. Angry? Broken-hearted? In the time it took me to cross the room, enter the kitchen and dump my handbag on the worktop I decided my overwhelming feeling was relief.

Neil had raided the kitchen too: his state of the art coffee maker which I hadn’t been allowed to touch was gone, along with his juicer and his super fancy wok. Only a couple of spilled coffee beans on the countertop showed where they had been. I looked at the clippie magnet on the fridge to see if he’d left me a note. We’d always left messages for each other one there. A few months back they had been little love notes with kisses and pictures of hearts. Now the only thing on there was the ratty message I’d left for him yesterday asking him to pick up some milk on his way home.

I walked back through the lounge to what had once been our bedroom. The wardrobe doors were open showing the empty hangers and his rack of immaculately arranged ties had gone. My mobile vibrated in my trouser pocket telling me I had a text as I sank down onto the edge of the bed. I knew what it would be before I even fished it out of my pocket.

‘Chloe, guess you know by now have moved out, thought would be better this way. U know it wasn’t working, sorry, N’

© Nell Dixon 2013

Available from Amazon.com And AMAZON UK

Find me onFACEBOOK where I have lots of snippets, freebie giveaways and general book chat.

Or on Twitter - @NellDixon

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Best laid plans etc

So I booked today as a holiday day as we were taking eldest belle's little car down to her at her uni. Only the new tax disc didn't come in time and said car failed it's MOT. Cue gulp as had to pay for new brakes. Now we're hoping to drop it off to her on Friday instead and I'm home with an unexpected day. Mr Nell took me and the other two belles out for lunch instead. It was a nice lunch and would have been even nicer if the pub hadn't delivered our extra chips to some other diners by mistake. By the time it all got sorted out lunch wasn't as nice as it could have been. Mine was as I didn't have chips - yes, I'm still following my healthy eating plan and I think I've lost some weight. Yay! I have a landmark birthday next year so this is my year to reclaim myself.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Guest Blogger - Zanna Mackenzie

Many thanks for hosting me on your blog today!

My novel, published by Astraea Press, is called The Love Programme, here’s more details: Thanks to an embarrassing incident involving a wedding and her ex-boyfriend Marcus, Lucy has to leave her home town in a hurry and needs a place to escape to for a while.

Best friend Fiona is convinced now would be a good time for Lucy to get herself a new life with some potential for romance thrown in. Fate seems to agree when Lucy is given the once-in-a-lifetime chance to star in a TV show and be a contestant on The Love Programme - two weeks of luxury living on a grand Highland estate coupled with, she hopes, fun and romance in wildest Scotland.

When Lucy meets Paul - the young, handsome owner of the Highland estate - she thinks she may have found the love of her life but who is the mysterious Hannah and what part does she play in his life? When she discovers that Marcus is planning to follow her to Scotland to win her back Lucy has some serious soul searching to do. Does she have a future with Paul, with Marcus or is she yet to find the man of her dreams?

There’s a sneak peak at chapter one below and the book can be downloaded now on Amazon - Amazon UK and Amazon.Com

Chapter One “I’m so glad he’s marrying someone else,” whispered Lucy, watching the groom shuffle nerv-ously from one foot to the other at the top of the aisle.

“It could have been you up there,” replied Fiona. “How many times did Marcus ask you to marry him?” “Three,” Lucy replied, shifting position for the fourth time in as many minutes. Why did church pews have to be so uncomfortable? “The first time when we were five, then again at twenty and finally,” she paused, reliving the moment in her head, “eight months ago.”

“Well,” Fiona said, as the organ struck up, filling the cold but pretty church with overly loud mu-sic, “it looks as though you’re safe from any more proposals, because I think the bride has just arrived.” Amelie Marchant made her way slowly down the aisle, blonde hair in an elegant chignon, de-signer dress looking a million dollars. Beneath her thin veil it was clear she was smiling, no doubt savouring each precious second of being the focus of everyone’s attention, yet keeping her own attention firmly fixed on Marcus, who was awaiting her arrival at the altar.

Fiona nodded in approval. “She looks gorgeous. Her dress is exquisite.” She nudged Lucy. “Doesn’t the little bridesmaid look sweet in deep pink?”

“Yes, she’s Amelie’s niece apparently.” Lucy let a small sigh of contentment slip from her lips as Amelie reached the altar and stood close to Marcus. Finally she, Lucy Stokes, was going to be free of Marcus Brandon. He was marrying someone else, hallelujah! She would, at long last, be able to live her life exactly the way she wanted to.

The whole reason she was here today was to witness the ceremony for herself. To know it was for real.

Okay, so she and Marcus had been childhood sweethearts. They’d played at the whole boy-friend-girlfriend thing on and off, sometimes quite successfully, for well over fifteen years. When she’d reached her twenties Lucy had sensed they didn’t have a future together, and she’d been trying to get Marcus to realise the fact ever since. When she’d broken it off with him for the last time, to say he hadn’t taken kindly to the idea they were no longer an item was a major understatement. Over time she’d grown used to his persistent phone calls, the fact he often just popped round to see her and casually suggested, if they were both at a loose end, they might go for a drink or to the pictures.

Even when she’d plucked up the courage to attempt to date other people, it had been a complete disaster. Friadon was a small town and Marcus seemed to know every detail of where she went, when and with whom. On more than one occasion he’d tried to talk her out of going on a date, and she suspected, but couldn’t prove, he’d persuaded at least one of her dates to stay well away from her, causing her to be stood up, all alone in the heavy rain, outside the local cinema.

Six months after they’d split up, in a completely misguided attempt to woo her back, he’d gotten down on one knee and proposed to her for the third time at the travel agency where she worked. Armed with a huge bouquet of red roses and a bottle of champagne he’d asked her to marry him one last time. It had been in front of several customers too; Lucy had been pink with embarrass-ment. When, riddled with guilt, she’d gently declined his offer yet again, he’d gone off and met Amelie. Eight months later here the two of them were standing at the altar about to become man and wife.

Realising the ceremony was already well under way and she’d missed the first bit through not paying attention, Lucy tried to focus on what was being said, forcing the memories of Marcus from her mind. Yes, they’d enjoyed some fun times over the years, and she had to admit there had been occasions when they’d been completely great together, but it was all in the past now. His future lay with Amelie.

Clearing his throat the vicar glanced nervously towards the congregation and asked, “Does any-one here object to the marriage of Amelie Marchant and Marcus Brandon? If so, speak now or forever hold...”

“I object.” The words were barely audible but Lucy heard them and fear shivered up her spine. The vicar, looking as though his worse fears were being realised, glanced around anxiously, un-sure what to do or say next.

“I object!”

This time the voice was louder. The vicar grew red-faced and flustered.

“I’m sorry, sir, did you say you object?”

The bridegroom nodded solemnly. “Yes, I’m afraid I did.”

Those in the first few rows of the church heard the faintest of whimpers escape from beneath the bride’s veil and her knees appeared to buckle just a little.

Fixing a stern gaze upon the unwilling groom the vicar muttered, “Why exactly do you object, Mr. Brandon?” Marcus addressed the packed congregation, his eyes scanning the rows, seeming to search for someone. Then in a loud, clear voice he announced, “I object because I’m still in love with an-other woman!” Raising his right hand he pointed to an area, three pews back on the right, just in front of a stone pillar. “Lucy, my love, will you ever take me back?”

There was collective gasp from the congregation; the bride fainted on the spot, sinking to the floor to be quickly swallowed up in a cloud of ivory silk and lace. Lucy, covered in embarrass-ment from head to foot, used her generously proportioned purple feather hat to try to hide her face, clasped her matching purple purse to her chest and ran from the church as fast as her kitten heels would carry her. (C) Zanna Mackenzie 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Snowy start!

My lovely friends in the USA seem to have had their fun with the snow and now it's back here again too. Why not cheer yourself up by entering the Little Black Dress author's contest to win some free books. Go Here Like our oage and tell us the funniest, chessiest or the most romantic chat up line or proposal you've heard.

Friday, February 08, 2013

Radio Gaga - Cover Reveal!

As you know today is my birthday and it's also cover reveal day for Radio Gaga!
Releasing March 1st from Brierley Rose Press! Over the airwaves everyone can hear you scream! Radio researcher and part-time presenter Chloe Lark is certain her big show biz break is just around the corner. Live it Up radio may not be the big time, but surely - one day soon - fame will come her way. And, if she could convince the hunky guy next door to give her a chance, her love life might improve too. Ex-soldier Ben isn’t sure if his new ‘Z’ list celebrity neighbour is crazy or on medication. Either way he’s looking for a quiet life out of the spotlight. The last thing he needs is an accident prone media hungry blonde complete with mystery stalker. Problem is - Chloe doesn’t seem to have received that particular memo…

Monday, February 04, 2013

Proof reading

I'm busy reading the proofs now for Radio Gaga before the book is formatted ahead of the March 1st release. Look out for the cover reveal on Friday, my birthday! I'm really excited to be sharing this as I think Elaina, my cover designer has done a fantastic job. I'm also busy working on Stormy Vintage - my follow up to Passionate Harvest and my new romantic suspense series - At The Dolphin Hotel. Life is pretty busy at home too with the usual uncertainties over work at this time of year. I have the second family funeral of the year to attend this Thursday and of course Friday is my birthday. My middle belle is in her GCSE year and is busy with her sign language, drama, dance as well as college entry things. A huge thank you to everyone who has sent lovely messages saying how much they enjoyed Lights, Camera, Poltergeist! My fun, spooky valentine novella. I loved writing it and I'm already thinking about a third story for Fae. It's great to see so many of you finding me on Facebook at my author page too. Hop over and join if you haven't already as I have regular giveaways there and sneak previews of my wips! Find me here

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Radio Gaga - release date!

The release date for Radio Gaga is now confirmed as March 1st. Cover reveal and blurb following shortly! I'm so excited about this as it's my first full length single title release since Renovation, Renovation, Renovation!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Guest Blogger - Sherry Gloag

Please welcome my guest today - a fellow Astraea Author - Sherry Gloag with her latest release from Sweet Cravings Press!

Multi-published author, Sherry Gloag is a transplanted Scot now living in the beautiful coastal countryside of Norfolk, England. She considers the surrounding countryside as extension of her own garden, to which she escapes when she needs "thinking time" and solitude to work out the plots for her next novel. While out walking she enjoys talking to her characters, as long as there are no other walkers close by.

Apart from writing, Sherry enjoys gardening, walking, reading and cheerfully admits her books tend to take over most of the shelf and floor space in her workroom-cum-office. She also finds crystal craft work therapeutic.

During the regency period a bad landlord could remove tenants from their property for the slightest of provocations, leaving the families destitute without a care in the world. But what would, and did, happen when members of the ton were threatened with the same disaster?

The Regency equivalent for today’s ‘property repossession’ is ‘writ of forfeiture’, and is only ever issues in the most dire of circumstances. For most, a short spell in a debtor’s prison, until he either paid off the debt or some influential family member or friend paid it off for them was the ultimate humiliation. But for the more hardened gamblers there came a time when friends and family turned the other way, ladies, normally only too willing to help their charming lover with ’a little financial help’ soon spread the word and the culprit would find all sources of credit withdrawn.

In No Job For a Woman, widowed Deborah Stavely is unaware that her infamous neighbours have been issued with a writ of forfeiture and are about to lose everything. So when she spurns the attentions of the equally infamous brother as no more than an irritation she has no idea she has put her life is on the line.

Inspiration comes in many shapes, sounds and forms, and for No Job For a Woman, a Regency romance released by Sweet Cravings Publishings in September, one word inspired the story and the plot and the characters that evolved around that one word.

So, what was it?


As in, ‘a writ of forfeiture’.

The question then became ‘so what?’ What would happen if a writ of forfeiture was issued, and to whom, and then the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ soon followed.

And of course you can no more drop a word into a story plot, than you can drop a stone into a pond without the ripple effect.

The next series of questions then became, who received the writ? And out trotted the ‘old soldiers’, who, what, when, why and how, rapidly followed by ‘what happened next?’ What were the consequences of this writ being issued and did they extend beyond the recipient. And if so, how far, and how many other people were drawn into what can be best described as the ‘domino effect.’

No Job For a Woman took several years to complete, so living that long with the characters made them very special and No Job For a Woman a joy to write

About the book!


Julian Fanshaw answers a call for help from his life-long friend Lord Worth to help keep his friend’s widowed sister, Deborah, safe from her increasingly vindictive neighbours. It doesn’t take long to realise him or Freddie long to realise the Grangers aren’t using her as a long-promised act of revenge against them; but are playing a deeper and far more sinister game of their own. Deborah Stavely is determined to overcome the increasing harassment from her neighbour without calling on her brother for help. So she is not pleased when Freddie intervenes and involves his friend, Julian Fanshaw.

Circumstances demand Julian and Deborah learn to work together and Julian dares to dream that he might gain the love of the only person he’s ever given his heart to. But will Deborah live long enough to discover that by releasing everything she values, she will gain everything her heart desires?


Julian Fanshaw ignored the other letters in front of him when he recognized one from his long-time friend Freddie Dalrymple, now Lord Worth. He broke the seal and scanned the single sheet with growing concern.

Julian, my friend, I am writing to implore you to put aside whatever plans you have in hand and to set out immediately to stay with us for an indeterminate period of time.

Thoroughly alarmed, Julian flipped the page in his hand to discover it had been dispatched more than a week ago.

If I bring to mind a certain student up at Oxford with us, and reveal that he and his wife are, and have been, my sister’s neighbors for several years, it will give you but an inkling of the root of my concern.

It has come to my attention, due to the arrival of his brother upon the scene, and recent events concerning my sister, Deborah, I am persuaded you need not only to know what is happening here, but be on hand to assist in circumventing any consequences of actions taken against her.

I have taken the liberty of gathering some friends together for a couple of shooting parties, thereby creating a reason for your presence.

Since his return from the Peninsular, Julian kept promising himself a trip to Worth’s Norfolk estate. Unfortunately in the last eighteen months, time and circumstances had worked against him.

Casting the letter aside, Julian strode to the door and called for his butler. “I am leaving immediately for Norfolk. Please see that my bags are packed and have my horse ready within the hour.”

“You do not intend to use your chaise, sir?”

“No. I’ll ride, with a stop to visit Mr. Sewel. Arrange for Becket and French to follow me in the chaise with everything I’ll need for a month.”

Not by so much as a flick of an eyelid did Thomas reveal he recognized the name of his master’s man of business.

“Very good, sir.”

© Sherry Gloag 2012

Available from Amazon.com and Amazon UK and B&N and all other good etailers!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Guest Blogger - J Andersen

It gives me great pleasure to introduce a fabulous YA author, J Anderson and her new book - At What Cost.

During her junior year, sixteen-year-old Maggie Reynolds expected to shop for prom dresses not maternity clothes. Now, instead of studying for the SATs, she’s reading, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. Maggie’s ‘Mother Dearest’ lives in fear that Maggie will somehow taint the family name, so Maggie can’t turn to her for help. Meanwhile, her father is oblivious to anything but his 9-9 job. And her boyfriend, Justin? She’s pretty sure he’ll stay by her side.

While Maggie wrestles with her options, Justin offers a solution: abortion. It would solve all her problems quickly, easily, and effectively. And her parents would never know, which means they won’t throw her out and cut her off like they’d always threatened if she got herself knocked up. But an easy decision becomes difficult when Maggie’s aunt discovers her secret and sets out on a mission to stop the abortion, putting a kink in Maggie’s plan. Now Maggie must decide which choice she can live with: abortion or teenage motherhood. Either way, it’ll be a tough road to travel.

Here's an excerpt!

Lauren stared at Maggie with wide eyes. “Pregnant? You’re flipping pregnant?”

Apparently, the word “flipping” was supposed to convey the substantial amount of shock Lauren had for the bomb Maggie had dropped. It worked. Maggie wished she had such a word to use herself. But she needed something stronger.

“No. I’m late.” Maggie tried to convince herself it was just a fluke. That she was late due to the stress her mother continually heaped on her or the new year of school starting, but the possibility she might be pregnant scared her to death. Still, she tried to keep her head.

Lauren wriggled like a worm on a hook. Being calm was not her forte. “Holy pig snot! That first day of school!” her voice trailed off.


“When you were looking at your calendar and got all weird and sick looking.”

“Yeah, so?”

“That’s when you figured it out, isn’t it?”

The thought sucked Maggie back into that disgusting, dirty bathroom where she counted and recounted the days on her calendar realizing she had skipped her period that month.

“Yeah, but I could just be late,” she said hopefully. “The stress of school starting and all. I’m just late.” More than anything, she wanted this to be true, but the view of the calendar in her mind grated on her stability until it was a flaky pile, blown away with one wisp of breath.

“You trying to convince me or you?” Maggie shot Lauren a narrow-eyed glare.

“Well, did you and Mr. Justin Davis use… you know,” Lauren asked, tucking her arms across her chest. She hated when Lauren called him that.


She leaned in and whispered it like a dirty word. “Protection?”

Thinking back, Maggie couldn’t remember. Playing that night over in her head a thousand times made the details a little fuzzy. “Yeah. I think so.”

“You think so, meaning you may not have?”

Maggie leaned back against the bed. She shook her head. “No, I’m sure we did. I made sure.”

“Mags! If you were drunk, how would you know? You were drunk, right? Please tell me you were drunk.”

“Not every time. I’d know, right? I’m sure we did. We had to.” They had used something, hadn’t they? Suddenly the purple butterflies clinging to Lauren’s walls flew at her as the room spun. Maggie choked down the bile rising in her throat and breathed deeply to steady the quivering of her lips.

“Well, if you did, it didn’t work, and if you didn’t, you’re an idiot.” Lauren slapped a hand over her own mouth. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.” (C) J Andersen 2012

At What Cost is available from all good etailers including: Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Guest Blogger - Georgia Hill

Welcome a wonderfully talented writer and E-Scape Press author, Georgia Hill.

Here's some more about her.

After teaching for twenty years, Georgia decided to take a leap of faith and leave the chalk face to write. Her books reflect her interests: the theatre, Jane Austen, intriguing men, rural life and all things romantic. ‘Love’s As Easy As ABC’ is not at all based on her school experiences! She lives with her long-suffering husband, two naughty spaniels and a ghost called Zoe in a converted hop-kiln.

Her new release is called Love's as easy as ABCHere's the blurb!

Blurb: All Laura wants to do is begin her teaching career and forget her troubled past. After what she’s been through, she wants little to do with men, especially charming but untrustworthy fellow teacher Miles. When his coolly confident older brother is taken on as Deputy Head however, Laura has to reassess who she is and what she really wants. Has she the strength of character to recover her lost confidence - and will she ever find true love with the right man?

If you liked ‘In a Class of His Own’, you’ll love this sort of sequel.

And a taster!

All surroundings melted away. As if in a dream she watched him walk slowly down the steps towards her. In the distance she could hear the count down to midnight. It was nearly the New Year. Time for a new her. For a new start.

‘Oh I …’ she began and then all speech stopped. In the silvered light he appeared colourless, monochromatic. Then, as he neared, she saw his eyes. They blazed a hot blue which began an insistent rhythm in her heart. An invisible thread pulled her to him …

You can get your copy from AMAZON UK and AMAZON.COM

Friday, January 18, 2013

Guest Blogger - J F Jenkins


Mila takes a hands off approach to dating. She's independent and picky and thinks she knows it all. When her best friend decides to set her up on a blind date with a guy who an-swers to the name of Jax, Mila decides to take a leap of faith. After all, with a name like Jax, how can he not be a dream boat?

Like most blind dates, however, Jax doesn't meet the expectations that Mila created in her imagination. With how badly she's struck out in her past relationships, is that really such a bad thing?


Somehow, I let my best friend Morgan convince me that a blind date, on Valentine'ʹs Day of all days, would be an amazing idea. “Don'ʹt be alone on the most romantic holiday of the year!” she said. “That'ʹs the most pathetic thing you could ever do to yourself!” No, the most pathetic thing is going on a date, just for the sake of going on a date, all because it'ʹs Valentine'ʹs Day. I had perfectly awesome plans made for my night alone at home: kung-­‐‑fu movies and Chinese take-­‐‑out. There were no plans to wallow bitterly either. Okay, maybe a little bit of wallowing. The point is, I didn'ʹt ask or need a blind date. Yet, Morgan was able to guilt me into going anyway. Then again, with a name as delicious as Jax, how could I go wrong?

So I put on my cute, tight, black pants with my matching corset top and long trench coat, and went to meet this guy at the swanky Brazilian barbeque restaurant downtown.

“Can I help you miss?” the hostess asked, looking up at me from her podium.

“I have a reservation. Should be under the name Jax?” Just saying his name gave me butterflies. It was so sexy. He had better have a tattoo… or five.

The hostess glanced over her list, nodded, and then picked up a menu to lead me to the table. I swallowed, following her, and immediately began to play with my dark hair. A nervous tic, and one I'ʹve always hated. It seems too obvious, you know what I mean? Plus, I didn'ʹt want to ruin my hair before I even got to meet my date. There was plenty of time to do that later. Wink, wink. I went around at least five corners before I got to my table. We were way in the back of the restaurant which made for a nice private atmosphere, sure, but the anticipation made knots churn in my stomach.

“Your table,” the hostess said.

The table was the farthest from the front and tucked away in the corner. The young man sitting at the table with his back to the wall had the menu up over his face. He lowered it slowly, giving me a peek at a rather beautiful set of blue eyes, accompanied with tousled, dark hair. The menu was set onto the table top and he stood, giving me a better view. I had pictured tall, muscular, and a little rough on the edges. Some scruffy facial hair or maybe a scar, and an outfit that was more bad-­‐‑boy-­‐‑sexy than business casual.

Jax on the other hand was average height, clean-­‐‑shaven, and wore a long-­‐‑sleeved, navy button-­‐‑down and khaki pants. The guy had some muscle definition, because I noticed how the shirt clung to his chest in all of the right ways, and his biceps bulged ever so slightly under the fabric. He worked out, which was always a plus, but there was more gentle than tough in him. Something about him was vaguely familiar too, and I couldn'ʹt quite put my finger on it.

“M-­‐‑Mila right?” he asked. He actually stammered. I wasn'ʹt quite sure what to think about that. In some ways it'ʹs sweet that he was nervous enough to stutter, but it was also a little bit of a turn off. Okay, not a little bit – a lot.

I nodded, hoping that his nerves would pass and he'ʹd take a chill pill soon. “That'ʹs me, and you'ʹre Jax.”


I'ʹm pretty sure my smile twitched a little when he said it.

“Nice to meet you.” Nice was not the kind of meeting I wanted to have. Available from Amazon and B&N

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Girly Book Blog Hop!

Location, Location, Location is the name of this blog hop! There is a link at the bottom of the post to hop to the next stops on the hop.

There is a grand prize for entering this hop! and lots of ways you can get a rafflecopter entry to win. I'm tossing a pdf of The Cinderella Substitute into the grand prize kitty for my contribution. Also leave a comment here for your chance to win an extra copy of The Cinderella Substitute!

I'm located in the Black Country - that's a small region in the heart of the UK.

Near my home is a former stately home -Himley Hall - once the home of the Earl of Dudley and the honeymoon destination of Princess Marina in the 1920's. Now it's open to the public and you can get married or hold a prom there.The grounds were designed by Capability Brown and host lots of community events, including the annual dragon races on the lake and the fireworks to celebrate Guy Fawkes failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

We have a castle that dates back to 1066 - it's a haunted ruin now thanks to Oliver Cromwell and the roundheads in the English Civil war. So lots of history! My books are also set in the UK. The Cinderella Substitute is set in Worcester - a city only 20 miles from my home and it also has scenes on the Dorset coast - another favourite visiting place.

Click here to enter the grand prize and to keep hopping and leave a comment here to win a pdf of The Cinderella Substitute!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Guest Blogger - Tanya Eavenson

I'm pleased to introduce Tanya, a fellow Astraea press author to you, to tell us about her latest release.

Tanya Eavenson and her husband have been in the ministry for fifteen years teaching youth, adults, and counseling. Tanya enjoys spending time with her husband, and their three children. Her favorite pastime is grabbing a cup of coffee and reading a good book. Tanya is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and writes for Christ to the World Ministries sharing the Gospel around the world. You can find her on Twitter at @Tan_eave and contact her at her website WEBSITE Want to learn more about writing? Stop by her BLOG

1. When did you first discover that you were a writer?

I’m not sure when it happened really, but it took longer than most. See, I never intended to be a writer, it just happened when my husband left for a mission trip. Then in 2011 Unconditional semi-finaled in the ACFW Genesis contest. I still didn’t believe I was really a writer but I keep plugging away, learning the craft. It wasn’t even when I signed my first contract. It happened when my husband told me he was proud of me and that I trusted God and never looked back. That’s when I became a writer and an author at the same time.

2. Describe how you write a book – with your other responsibilities, does it tend to be something you work into your every day, or do you have to “set apart” time to write with open, undesignated blocks of time?

As a writer, I heard time and time again that I needed to write every day to be successful. I used to beat myself up when I couldn’t meet that goal. It took two years fighting with this idea when I finally gave up. So I decided to do something different, I set a word count goal each week, and it’s worked. Some weeks I write 3,000 words and others 7,000 depending on what’s going on during the week. Flexibility is the key for my writing success.

3. Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

I love to read non-fiction that dives into God’s word. Next would be historical fiction.

4. How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

I’m still learning. =)

5. How do you choose your characters’ names?

I choose names that I’ve always liked. I remember being in middle school and picking out the names my children would have one day. And yes, I did actually name my youngest child one of those names, and that name is my heroine in my novel Unconditional.

6. What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?

My greatest roadblock, and one I still face today, is being afraid of making mistakes for people to see. Most of the time I overcome it by praying, but it runs deep, so it’s a struggle.

7. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

I’d have to say that every character has a piece of me within them whether it’s something the character likes, a physical attribute, or even a journey of spiritual growth. There’s a scene in the novel where Elizabeth and Chris head out to the lake. Elizabeth tries to hold onto the dock, but is unable and the boat floats away. When I thought to add that scene, I could only laugh. It was the first time I’d ever tried to use a trolling motor.

8. Tell us about Unconditional and what inspired you to write the story?

What inspired me? Brokenness I guess you could say. Brokenness for families, children, and what happens when couples divorce.

I grew up in a family were divorce is common, like most people today, with the idea once you “fall” out of love, and you can’t get along anymore, it’s time to get a divorce. It was almost engraved in me witnessing everyone in my family get divorced one time or many times. I, too, almost went down that route with divorce papers in hand. I told myself many things at the time, but the truth. I was focused on our failures, not the hope that with God, all things are possible. The question was, were we willing to save our marriage at all costs? Would we fight for each other, whether we felt like it or not?

It is my hope through this story, that no matter the circumstances the reader is facing, a loss of a child, anger, emotional hurt, infidelity, abandonment, etc., they will know there is hope in Christ.

Here is the blurb for Unconditional.

He will fight for her at any cost…

Elizabeth Roberts can't remember her past, and the present is too painful. She turns to nightclubs and drinking to forget her infant daughter's death, her husband's affair.

When his wife's coma wiped out the memory of their marriage, Chris Roberts found comfort elsewhere. He can't erase his betrayal, but with God's help he’s determined to fight for Elizabeth at any cost.

She wants to forget. He wants to save his marriage. Can they trust God with their future and find a love that’s unconditional?

Here is an excerpt from Unconditional.

Chapter One

Elizabeth pushed herself up from the bed. Her gaze swept the dark room and fixed on the hall nightlight. Her hand grazed over her husband’s shoulder when a thought gripped her. Katherine. The baby monitor stood silent. Darkness shrouded the red and green lights that indicated movement.

Her chest tightened. She hurled the covers away and leapt to the floor. Panic made her clumsy as she rushed to her daughter’s room. She lunged over the crib. No sound. No movement. Not even a stirring of air from her tiny nostrils.

“Katherine!” Elizabeth snatched her daughter from the mattress. The infant drew a heavy breath as her eyes flung wide open.

Lord, what’s happening?

Elizabeth’s bare feet pounded the cold tile as she ran back to her husband.

“Chris, wake up! Katherine quit breathing again!”

Chris rubbed his eyes and scowled. “What is it?”

“We need to take Katherine to the hospital. She stopped breathing.”

He studied their child. “She seems to be breathing now. Are you sure?”

“Of course, I’m sure.”

“She’s fine.” Chris fell back against the pillow.


“We don’t have the money to take her to the hospital when there’s nothing wrong with her.”

“But there is. She stopped breathing.”

He sat back up. “You’ve been worried about her since before she was born. You’re all worked up because she hasn’t rolled over yet. The doctor said that’s normal for being early.”

She’s called a preemie. She glared into his eyes. “If you were home more often you’d know she’s not fine.”

“I’m home, Elizabeth, and she’s fine.”

Heat flushed her cheeks as tears filled her eyes. “I’m scared. Can’t you see that? I need you to pray for our daughter. I need you to hold me and tell me everything will be all right.”

“Look, she’s sleeping.” His voice softened as his hand ran down her thigh. “Come to bed.”

“How can you care so little? I’m worried about our baby.”

Chris’s hand dropped to the sheets. “Shut the door when you leave.” He turned away from her.

Elizabeth stood for a moment unable to speak. With their baby in her arms, she slowly closed the door behind her and sank her teeth into her lip to keep from crying. If tears came, it would be for her daughter, not for the stranger in her bed.

(C) Tanya Eavenson 2013 Available fromAMAZON US and AMAZON UK and all other good e-tailers

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Free at Smashwords and Kobo! Now free at Barnes and Noble - am working to get it free at Amazon. You can help by copying the link to B&N and reporting the free price to Amazon. I've had some lovely emails and reviews for Unexpected Treasure and I'm glad so many of you are enjoying my little short story. I really wanted to do something to thank all my readers for their support over the past year.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Lights, Camera, Poltergeist! is out today

Things don’t just go bump in the night, sometimes they throw tea cups! As the presenter for Ghost Uk, the leading TV show investigating paranormal activity, Fae thought she’d seen it all. Until a Valentine’s Eve live show from Scotland’s Fingelly Manor upsets both her preconceptions and her love life.

Fae snuggled down deeper into the chunky knitted roll neck of her sweater and wished she could shake off the eerie sensations. She puffed out a sigh and watched her breath condense in the air before her face. It wasn’t only the room that was chilly. The relationship between herself and John had taken on a distinctly frosty tinge lately too.

She strolled across the room to the huge diamond leaded window that would have filled the room with light if it hadn’t been shrouded in dust and some dark red velvet drapes that had seen better days. Out in the corridor the electricians and tech staff were hammering and cursing the ancient electrical wiring.

The afternoon light had already started to fade and fingers of frost were beginning to form at the corners of the window. A flicker of movement near the trees on the far side of the lawn caught her attention and she leaned forward, almost bumping her nose against the glass in her quest to see what it was.

Whatever or whoever she thought she’d seen had vanished and she relaxed back on her heels. Working as a presenter on Ghost UK had made her jumpy. Every dark corner now held the possibility of something spooky. In such a deserted spot it was unlikely that anyone would be outside in the grounds, especially in this freezing weather.

“Fae, darling, there you are!”

She turned around to see her producer, Tim, sweeping towards her. She pasted a fake smile on her lips when she saw he was accompanied by the owner of the house, Giles McGinty, Laird of Fingelly. She’d already met Giles when she’d arrived and her impressions hadn’t been favourable.

“Giles has invited us all to dinner tonight before we start filming. Isn’t that marvellous?” Tim raised his eyebrows at her.

“That’s very kind.” Fae was quick enough to pick up the signal.

Giles smiled at her, his gaze lingering just a fraction of a second too long on her bust before raising his gaze to her face. “The pleasure is all mine. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better before the filming.”

She suppressed a shudder as his dark eyes locked on her face. “John and I will look forward to it.”

© Nell Dixon 2013


Romance with Heart

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Why not read more about Fae in Cue Me In? Haunted happenings in a Welsh Castle.Cue Me In