Today I'm talking to U3A at the Public in West Bromwich this afternoon. I'm also taking bookings for libraries, writing groups and schools. I love running workshops and talking to groups. You meet such interesting and lovely people and I always learn new things myself as well as being able to help other people.
A huge thank you to everyone who's bought Radio Gaga and told me how much they're enjoying it! To those I kept up past midnight - sorry!
I'm busy now working on my new wips 'At the Dolphin Hotel', which is a romantic suspense and 'Stormy Vintage' which is a follow up to Passionate Harvest - telling Jake's story. I really need to crack on with both of those so hopefully now Radio gaga is out in the big world I'll have chance ahead of the paperback launch of Radio gaga in the Autumn.
Yesterday was Mother's Day here in the UK. I got lots of lovely yellow flowers - daffodils are my very favourites, some socks with unicorns on - I suspect those will be borrowed by my youngest belle before too long, and a footmuff shaped like a friesan cow to keep my feet warm. The cow has been named Ermintrude and she has bells on so my feet will be toasty warm and jingly!
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