Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Romantic Novelist Association conference

This weekend is the RNA conference and on Saturday I'm giving a workshop with the fab Phillipa Ashley! We're talking about series and linked books.

We've both written series and linked books. Mine are the New Bay Cornish set series, The Mayer family triliogy, The Ever After series - book 3 is coming befor Christmas! and Cue Me In and Lights, Camera, Poltergeist - my New Adult stories.

Phillipa has The First time series as Pippa Croft and some steamier books under another name.

We can't wait to talk about our experiences and share the pro's and con's involved.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Guest Blogger - Krysten Lindsay Hager

Please welcome Krysten Lindsay Hager. She is an author and book addict who has never met a bookstore she didn’t like. She’s worked as a journalist and also writes middle grade, YA, humor essays, and adult fiction. Her debut novel, TRUE COLORS, is out June 17th from Astraea Press. She is originally from Michigan and has lived in South Dakota, Portugal, and currently resides in Southern Ohio where you can find her reading and writing when she’s not catching up on her favorite shows.

Here's the blurb for TRUE COLORS

Every day I walked down the sidewalk to school and wished I were one of the interesting popular girls who ran up with exciting news. Just once I’d like to be one of those girls instead of the being the one who didn’t get invited to things because people “forgot” about me.

Here's the story premise!

Landry gets pushed into trying out for the American Ingénue reality show modeling competition with her two best friends. She doesn’t think she stands a chance, but she advances to the next level in the competition and her friends ignore her when they get cut.

Enter the gorgeous Devon, who also makes the first cut and includes Landry in her clique. Devon becomes the perfect best friend, but can their friendship survive the competition?

Landry hopes her big break could come at any moment, but soon sees there’s much more to modeling. She begins missing out on being with friends and has the chance to have a boyfriend when she meets a boy named Vladi from another school. Part of Landry wants to be famous (and have her hair look good for once), but part of her just wants to be accepted. She learns about friendships, being true to yourself, and that a good hair conditioner doesn’t hurt.

You can get a copy of TRUE COLORS from and Amazon UK and all good etailers!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Today at 2pm

Today at 2pm I'll be talking at Wednesbury Library in Sandwell with the lovely Phillipa Ashley and Elizabeth Hanbury. Call the library for a free ticket as spaces are almost gone :)

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Sophie's Choice - out today!

OUT NOW! Sophie’s Choice. Just 99c 77p Why not try this one and Christmas Ever After? Amazon UK

Here's a taster!

"Do it then. Run away to Northumberland with me." She wasn't sure what had prompted her to make such a rash offer. Perhaps it was the desire to shock Henry, or merely her own need for a companion for the journey, even if he was a somewhat dull solicitor.

"It's not that easy. I have a job, responsibilities."

"Cluck, cluck, cluck." Sophie goaded.

Henry glared at her. "I am not chicken."

She raised her eyebrows. "Prove it."

To her amusement, he appeared flustered by her challenge and she wondered if his calm, orderly life had ever been disrupted before.

"People depend on me."

"Isn't the whole point of an escape to lose those responsibilities for a short while?" She smiled sweetly at him, the expression in her eyes daring him to give in.

His gaze locked with hers and something in the intensity of his stare made her wonder what she'd let herself in for by baiting him.

"Okay, you're on. I'll be back for you in three hours. That should give you time to take a bath and pack a bag."

Sophie swallowed. She hadn't seriously considered that he would take up her challenge and now it seemed she would be saddled with Henry's company at Tything Manor.

The corners of his mouth quirked and she knew he was waiting for her to try and wriggle out of the corner she'd painted herself into.

"Fine, three hours it is. I'll call Rafe and tell him we're coming."

(C) Nell Dixon 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

Unexpected Treasure - Free!

Unexpected Treasure - short story which I released a while ago has finally gone free on Amazon UK. If you all report it then hopefully it'll go free for my US readers too. Here's the UK link

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Vote for Christmas Ever After!

Gulp, voting is open for the RONE awards in the novella category. Christmas Ever After is a nominee and I would be eternally grateful for any votes. I know I don't stand a chance as I don't have the street teams and huge cohorts of organised voting some authors have but I'd be thrilled to reach double figure :) Vote Here It only takes a minute and InD'Tale Mag are lovely and don't spam you. Hugs. If you haven't read it yet and want to read before you vote - voting is open for a week! Here are the buy links! Amazon UK

Lady Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Bellhavan is dubbed the runaway bride after calling off her wedding on the eve of her marriage just a week before Christmas. Her best friend, Sophie has the perfect hideout for the beleaguered society belle, her childhood home, Tything Manor. Lottie won’t be alone for Christmas at the isolated Northumbrian manor house, Sophie’s older brother, Ranulf, the reclusive Earl of Craigmore will be there too.

Rafe is aware his unconventional looks and retiring nature won’t win any beauty contests but with the magic of the Christmas season and some judicious matchmaking from the meddlesome Sophie it might just be Christmas Ever After for Lottie and Rafe…

Also available as a paperback

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sophie's Choice has a release date!

I'm delighted to say that the prequel to Christmas Ever After, which tells the story of Rafe's sister, Sophie, is now scheduled for release on May 15th. Now I had better finish writing it as my editor will be waiting! It has a gorgeous cover which I'll share with you all as soon as I get the go ahead!

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Christmas Ever After is a RONE award nominee!

I'm thrilled to say Christmas Ever After has been nominated for a RONE award.

Such lovely news on a grey, cold March day.

You can get your copy HERE if in the US Or HERE if in the UK Also available in other countries and if you're old school you can get the paperback!

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Almost gone!

I can't believe it's almost the end of January already. Where did it go?

I have lots of things coming up soon, some of which I can't talk about just yet. Some are writerly and some are some big changes in my personal life. I promise I'll share as soon as I can. It's all good. I have a lovely cover for Sophie's Choice and I really need to get that book finished!

In a few days time I have one of those landmark birthdays, and as I mentioned before Mr Nell is taking me to Malta for a week to celebrate. I love Malta and am so excited to be going back to revisit some favourite places.

I know that this year is going to be a good year.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Off to a cracking start!

2014 is promising to be a much better year in all ways than last year! Right now my lovely publishers, Astraea Press have a brilliant offer on all my single title books with them - just 99c or 77p so if you're missing one of the New Bay or Mayer family titles or wanted to try my new adult spooky shorts then now is your chance! There are lots of great offers on other Astraea titles too so make the most of your chance to fill your kindle with quality reading.

Writing wise I'm getting on with Sophie's Choice - the prequel to Christmas Ever After. It's such fun to write! Then I need to finish At The Dolphin Hotel, my cosy crime/romance.

An Uncivil War should be available soon in paperback too!

It's been busy on the home front too with my eldest belle turning twenty last weekend. I can't believe I have a daughter out of her teens. We've been busy decorating so at the moment the smell of paint is lingering everywhere and my youngest belle now has a pea green bedroom. Next stop is the belle's bathroom! It's like the painting of the Forth bridge.

My youngest belle also has chosen her prom dress now ready for summer so lots of fun dress shopping over the last couple of weeks. With the evenings starting to lighten earlier maybe Summer doesn't seem quite so distant despite the cold and damp.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2014!

This year promises to bring a lot of changes - some good, some, well, who knows! I have two stories underway to finish and release. At The Dolphin Hotel - a cosy mystery with a mix of romance!, and Sophie's Choice, the prequel to Christmas Ever After. An Uncivil War will be releasing in print as will Marrying Max. Demand is growing for my writing courses and my copy editing and critiquing business and Brierley Rose Press is becoming more established.

On a personal front my day job is looking shaky - nothing like getting an advance notice of redundancy in with your Christmas cards :)

I have a landmark birthday in a few weeks time too and Mr Nell is taking me to Malta for a week! We fly on my birthday. I love Malta and haven't been for quite a few years now so I'm excited to be going back.

Thank you to everyone who's supported me this last year, my family, my friends, my colleagues and my readers. I appreciate all of you so much.

Here's to a bright and sparkly 2014, may it find you healthy and happy, with food in your larder, a roof over your head, money in your pocket and books to read!