Sunday, July 09, 2023

Guest Blogger Emma-Claire Wilson

A warm welcome to my fabulous guest blogger this week, Emma-Claire Wilson and her incredible debut novel, This Child of Mine. Here's Emma-Claire to tell us about herself and her book! Born in Scotland, Emma-Claire travelled the world as the child of military parents. After almost 20 years in Spain, she returned to the UK with her husband, two daughters, and rescue dog, Pip. Emma-Claire worked as a journalist for English language magazines and newspapers in Spain and in 2015 launched The Glass House Online Magazine. When not writing emotional fiction, you can find her dreaming up new book ideas or wrapped in a blanket with a book in her hand.
Her debut novel, This Child of Mine, was published by Avon Harper Collins on July 6th 2023. This Child of Mine follows the story of Stephanie who, after years of trying for a baby, finds out she is pregnant and sick on the same day. The book is an exploration of the dilemmas she faces and although is not entirely autobiographical, is based on Emma-Claire Wilson's real-life experiences. A highly emotional yet uplifting tear-jerker that will have you reaching for the tissues – perfect for fans of EMMA ROBINSON and JODI PICOULT.
When Stephanie is told she’s pregnant and that she is sick on the same day, she faces an impossible choice… After trying for a baby for so long, finding out I was pregnant was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. But in the same breath as the news I had been waiting years to hear, the doctor told me I was seriously ill. If I carry my baby to term, I will almost certainly die. If I proceed with treatment, my baby will not live. My husband – the father of this child – is telling me to save myself. But with all the secrets I know he is keeping from me, I can’t trust him anymore. What would you do? You can get your copy HERE You can also find her in all of these places! Twitter: @ecwilsonwriter Facebook: @ecwilsonauthor Instagram: @ecwilsonauthor Website: And if you would like a signed copy goHERE

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