Friday, August 11, 2023

Re -release news!

I'm thrilled to say that some of my older romances which have been out of sale for a while are being re-released back onto the market as e book only deals. The first to go up is The Cinderella Substitute. This is the very first book I ever had published. First by Moonlit Romance and then by Astraea Press. It's a clean/sweet novella and I still really love it. You can get a copy HERE and I love the new cover! You can find large print copies still floating around and probably at your local library.
In the two years since the tragic car crash that killed his fiancée, Nathanial (Nate) Mayer has successfully avoided another relationship. His family and especially his twin sister Nathalie are worried. Jennifer (Jenni) Blake is Nate’s personal assistant. Hired after the accident, she has her own problems to deal with, including the deaths of her adoptive parents and the debts incurred by their nursing care. But those difficulties pale into insignificance when Jenni finally traces her birth mother…

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