Sunday, October 16, 2011


Welcome to everyone visiting for the Spookalicious blog hop! Leave a comment for your chance to win a pdf of Renovation, Renovation, Renovation or Cue Me In.

A fun romantic comedy with a unique twist that kept me hooked from beginning to end -- Gemma Halliday, bestselling author of the High Heel mysteries

Overworked, over budget and just so not over him! Kate would like an engagement ring from Steve but instead he's lumbered them with a thirteenth renovation project, and doing up Myrtle Cottage disturbs a ghost from the English Civil War who has romance troubles of her own. Available from Amazon and as paperback March 5th 2012

Fae Heath wants to be on TV, but not just any show. She wants to be on Ghost UK. She intends to win the contest to find the next presenter. Tall, slim and blonde and access to a haunted Welsh Castle on Halloween – how can she fail? Coming THURSDAY 20th OCTOBER from Astraea Press

Two very different tales for the Autumn and beyond!
Winners drawn October 25th To 'HOP' to another blog on the tour click the link on the right.


Cheryl said...

Sorry to say I have not read any of your books yet but these both sound fantastic.

Pat Posner said...

Can't wait to read them, Nell!


Phillipa said...

I've read and loved RRR but please add me to the list for Cue Me In.

Unknown said...

good luck to all!!

Joselyn Vaughn said...

Can't wait to read Renovation, Renovation, Renovation

Sherry Gloag said...

Both books sound great. Thanks for the giveaway.
Happy hopping.

PamM said...

Both books sound great. Thanks for the chance.
Kydirtgirl68 AT gmail DOT com

desitheblonde said...
i love the stuff you have here
and would like to read any of the books

Nay Nay said...

I'm Thinking Renovation, Renovation, Renovation will be a hoot to read.

Thank you for being part of the hop.
reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

Literary Chanteuse said...

I love the covers of so many of your books! I would love to read them all! Thanks!


Ronda Tutt said...

Wow, thanks for the giveaway, I haven't read any of your work but they both look and sound good. I love humorous reads. So if I have a choice "Cue me In" sounds very interesting too.

Happy Halloween!

AmyS. said...

I haven't read any of these books but would love a chance to win them Thanks

truebloodfan AT rock DOT com

Michelle Bledsoe said...

Happy Halloween Nell :)
Both books sound great. I can't wait to read them.

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

JeanMP said...

Both books sound great. Renovation, Renovation, Renovation sounds like a fun read.

skpetal at hotmail dot com

Jennifer S said...

I love it when I find new authors to read and I am definitely adding you to my list of books to check out!

I would love to read Renovation, Renovation, Renovation.

Thanks so much for the opportunity! (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Just stopping by on the blog tour. Thanks for participating and offering up a giveaway.

I enjoyed checking out your blog and being introduced to your books. Both of them sound good.

anme said...

Thank you for the giveaway!
Your books both sound interesting.
melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

donnas said...

The books sound good. Thanks for the chance!!

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Unknown said...

Books sound amazing!!! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

They both look great!!!

lindsey hutchison @ United By Books said...

no need to enter me im just visiting fellow blog hoppers! love your covers


Shadow said...

Both books sound great! Thanks for the great giveaway!

BeckyC said...

Great prizes! Thanks for the giveaway.

geschumann said...

They sound great. Thanks for the giveaway! Gloria

geschumann at live dot com

Kelly said...

Just hopping by my fellow hoppers.. no need to enter me.
Thank you for introducing me to your books. They are on my list now.


Laura H. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! "Cue Me In" sounds like me kind of book!


Krysykat said...

Cue Me In looks awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for joining the blog hop. I love finding new authors. Both books sound really interesting.

Cue me in sounds like a book I would enjoy.

knitrix29 at gmail dot com

Meg said...

CUUUUTE book covers! Hope you had a great blog hop!

Sandy Nachlinger said...

I'm a Spook-a-licious participant and I just stopped by to say "hi." I hope the blog hop is going well for you. Both your books sound like great reads!

JoAnna said...

Both books sound great! Thanks for the giveaway!

beckerjo at verizon dot net

Nell Dixon said...

Thanks to everyone who has stopped by and left a comment. It's been great to see you all. I regularly have guest bloggers here and fun giveaways so stop by anytime and say hello.
Winners this time are - drumroll please!
Cue me In - Lori Z, Michelle and Amy
Renovation, Renovation, Renovation - Nikki and Jean P
I'll be sending those out today.