Fingers crossed Renovation, Renovation, Renovation will be available in e book tomorrow/Monday. My publisher thinks they've uncovered the cause of the glitch and the powers that be hopefully will get it fixed. So, while we're waiting, meet some of the people in the book.
Hi, I'm Kate, and my doofus very ex-boyfriend, Steve bought this mouldering money pit of a cottage instead of the beautiful barn that he was supposed to have bid for. Needless to say we're no longer together but thanks to the property crash until Myrtle Cottage is sold then I have to stay here - all our money went on this dump.
Hi, I'm Steve, Myrtle Cottage is a great investment, an incredible 15th century cottage in a prime location with acres of land. I can't believe that Kate can't see what a great deal it was or that we broke up over it. Women! I'll never understand them.
I'm Lou, Kate's sister - can you believe those two? If you ask me, and someone should, they're still crazy about one another - when they're not arguing of course. I've got my own problems to worry about though.
There are people in my home, strange shadow people in strange clothes. I am afraid I may be mad or perhaps 'tis a punishment for my sins. (Mary Ann)
Now you've met some of the people - how about a contest? Tell me your ghost experiences and I'll draw some people from the comments for a prize of a download of Renovation, Renovation, Renovation when it releases. Contest will close Tuesday 9am GMT
I once went to stay in a large old hotel in Cornwall on a school journey when I was eleven. The wierdest thing, I sleep walked, went down the passage and all the while was aware of what I can only call a presence. It was a bit like being in a tiny place with a balloon taking up all the space. I had that sensation until I got back to the bedroom and woke my friends up. That's my only ghostly experience and I'm pleased I haven't had any others!
Wow, Cara, sounds creepy. They say Cornwall has quite a reputation for ghosts though.
I actually have no experience of ghosts whatsover. Is this just me?! Nell, have you had any ghostly experiences?
I've seen and heard ghosts or at least things which have no rational explanation. I'm very sensitive to atmospheres and can 'read' vibrations in buildings - sometimes I hear and see things if the conditions are right.
You know me, Nell, I don't believe in non-fictional ghosts *But* I used to work in a C18 building that was said to be haunted. It was the offices of the Lichfield mercury newspaper and had very sppoky cellar archives. Several perfectly sensible people, including cynical reporters, claimed to have seen the figure of a C18 lady at various points throughout the building.
Mr Nell works in a haunted Victorian police station. They hear footsteps and the the doors to one cell closes by itself despite loads of tests done on the door.
Congratulations to Cara! A pdf of Renovation, Renovation, Renovation is on it's way!
Brilliant Nell, thank you so much for the prize, I'm really looking forward to reading it. I absolutely love a good ghost story. I guess my favourite is 'What Lies Beneath'. My husband will divorce me if we ever have to see that film again, but a mash-up of ghost story plus murder story is right up my street. Many congrats on Renovation, Renovation, may you make many sales and many new fans!!!
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