Snoopy always makes me smile. It's been another busy week, mainly with the belles and their assorted events. Exam results, dance shows, descisions about colleges etc. My day job is busy too. We're expanding our project and there is a lot to get done on top of our already frenetic workload. Thankfully we've a fantastic team. Writing wise I'm anticipating two lots of edits shortly and hopefully my new covers. I've seen the one for Easter Holiday but don't have the final version yet. It looks great though and will fit right in with my other Cornish covers. I'm halfway through writing the fifth book in the New Bay set - this one is a summer book and has a wedding at it's centre! Once that's done I'll edit Radio Gaga - my single title and get it polished and fit for people to read.
I can't believe Friday's rolled round again either. Where does the time go???
Snoopy is wonderful, isn't he?
Busy is good. Right? :)
Have afab weekend, Nell.
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