All throughout history there has been remarkable Woman of Strength.

Mother Teresa spent 30 yrs of her life helping others before anyone even knew who she was. In 1979 she won the Nobel Peace Prize. One of my favorite quotes of hers is “If you can’t feed one hundred people, then feed just the one.”
Joan of Arc—at a time when a woman on the battlefield was unheard of she eventually led her army to victory, fearlessly fighting and eventually dying to defend her country. She said, “Stand up for what you believe in.” A quote used over and over again, even today.
There are far too many women to list here today. Princess Diana, Oprah Winfrey, Rosa Parks, the list is endless.
My new series Women of Strength, I hope to showcase the women of our generation who rise above adversity, hardships, illness, abuse, etc No, these women will not receive a Nobel Peace Prize, but maybe, just maybe they will give someone the strength or hope needed to make it through their own personal challenges.
I have kicked off this series with three previously published stories of mine. Juliana is the first story I had published a couple/few years ago. Each month I will add a new story of a Woman of Strength. I hope you will enjoy this ongoing series.

Woman of Strength - Links to purchase as wells as Info on Contest
I like this idea, Nell. Very nicely done!
Nell I meant to only delete one of the posts I left. Can you undelete the first one? Sorry for your troubles. Should not have started posting until I had at least one coffee into me lol
Hey, girl!
I watched a documentary the other night that had Joan of Arc in it. She started her journey at the age of 14. It's so sad what happened to her. The very people who groomed her to be the warrior she was were the same ones who sent her to her death.
Hi Faith. I swear I could write a book on the amount of Women of Strength there are/were in history. So glad you stopped by. Good luck in the giveaway.
Hi Catherine
I royally messed up my posts lol I'm glad you like my idea. Good luck today!
Congratulations Catherine. You have won your choice of Shani, Roaa or Juliana's stories. Send me your email address to
Congrats Faith! You have won the pewter charm and 2013 calendar.
Thanks again for having me Nell :)
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