Saturday, September 21, 2024

Guest Blogger - Mary Georgina de Grey

A warm welcome to a new guest this week - Mary Georgina de Grey. If you love a good romantic story then Mary Georgina is the writer for you. Her new release is Then Time Stands Still which is set in Spain. I asked her to tell us a little more about her writing: 'Learning several languages and using them at work has meant I have lived in different European countries, and I even spent a couple of years in South America. This rich experience has provided me with lots of material for my novels. I’m not writing a series, but the novels each have a love story as central and feature strong women determined to make something of their lives, despite setbacks – and there are quite a few. Setting is important for me. For my first novel, I went to Italy, the second takes place in both South America and South Wales, and Then Time Stands Still, which will be published on 18th September 2024, unfolds in Spain. At the moment, I’m writing my fourth novel, rekindling my love affair with France, in the Midi-Pyrénées.'
'I really enjoyed writing this book, especially doing the research into archaeology and wine-making. And, of course,the food and customs of the country. Even if I know the place really well, I still have to ensure everything is up to date. The internet is fantastic, but person to person is still the best. I love writing contemporary novels, as the research is also into jobs and professions, how they are carried out, and bywhom, what it feels like day-to-day. People sometimes suggest it might be boring, but I have often found research unearths plotlines and forces me to consider a completely new (and usually better) way forward. But my readers don’t want a travelogue, and, at some stage, I have to get down to writing the story. I write in my studyat home, sometimes four or five hours a day, once I’m in the story. It’s scruffy but I’m not in there to admire its décor. Generally, I’m seated by a lovely Art Nouveau window which glows gradually brighter, as the sun moves around the house in the afternoon. Inspiration comes from newspaper and news website articles, stories people tell me, history, but mainly from observing how people react in different situation.' This sounds fabulous! Here is the blurb for Then Time Stands Still English archaeologist Dr Amancia Harding has looked after her family for five years. Now it’s time to take care ofherself and leading a team on a dig in Spain is the perfect way to propel her career forward. Her good intentions are threatened when she meets vineyard owner Max Serrano. Damaged by war in Ukraine and a tragic event in his past, Max has given up on relationships and taken refuge in making wine, but the attraction he feels to Amancia forces him to confront painful issues. There’s also the gulfbetween their two cultures to consider if a relationship is to have any chance of success. Ambitious and fiery in character, can either accept that compromise is sometimes necessary to find happiness? Published by The Wild Rose Press you can get your copy from Here in the UK and shortly from Amazon U.S or as a paperback. Catch up with Mary Georgina HERE on her website HERE on Facebook and you can EMAIL her here to sign up for her newsletter or to tell her how much you love her books! Thank you so much for stopping by!!

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