Thursday, September 05, 2024

Murder in the Countryside is out!

Phew, Murder in the Countryside is out and sporting jaunty litle bestseller flags all over the place. Thank you all so much for the wonderful reviews, messages and emails I've received. It is very much appreciated. You've probably also noticed that Murder in New York, the Christmas book that I wrote in our all too brief spell of hot weather is also up for preorder. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you at Ivybridge next week and Dartmouth is just over a fortnight. I've just started writing Murder at Highcliffe Hall which will be the next Miss Underhay adventure! I'm also close to finishing the first draft of the second in the new Secret Detectives Agency book. I am so excited for 2025 when I can share all of these with you. I know you'll love Jane, Arthur and Marmaduke the cat as much as I do. If you haven't yet got your copy of Murder in the Countryside remember you can read it on KU, listen on audio or stroke it lovingly as a paperback HERE

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