Saturday, September 18, 2010


Autumn is definitely in the air, the mornings are cooler, the evenings darker and the spiders invading my house are larger and hairier. My greenhouse is full of lovely little cherry tomatoes and the patio pots of large tomatoes and peppers need harvesting. Our birdtable looks like Heathrow for Bluetits and the squirrel is back in the corkscrew hazel helping himself to the cobnuts.
Looking towards the barrow from my office window there are subtle changes in the leaves on the trees. I love this time of year, especially ondays like today when the sky is blue and the sun is shining with just a hint of crisper, cooler air.


Judy Jarvie said...

Yum. I love Autumn too. Though it's kinda windy up here in the north. Cardigans unearthed from back of wardrobe, check. jx

Jane Lovering said...

I love the changing colours but I'm not a big fan of the getting cooler thing. And the shops already have Christmas stuff in! Argh!

Kimberly Menozzi said...

Autumn and Winter are my absolute favorite seasons. I struggle so hard to get through Spring and Summer, and I have a tangible sense of "Aaaahhhh... Sweet relief!" once the cooler days arrive. I love all of it - right down to the rain and fog and longer nights - and so does my Muse, apparently. I get sooooooo much more work done at this time of year.