Friday, June 29, 2007
Friday Fun
The Black Country dialect is one of the oldest in Europe, it is very similar to old german and the english that was spoken in the middle ages. Many scholars have said that if Chaucer were alive today he would have no trouble communicating in the Black Country. The dialect varies a little from village to village with Darby End and my village of Gornal having the strongest dialects.
Many words still end in -en as in gooen meaning going. The A sound is often pronounced as an O. Man becomes Mon for example. So here are some words and phrases to start you off.
Bin - this is not a receptacle for rubbish but instead means been. So you may be asked 'Where have yow bin?' which means 'Where have you been?'
An answer might be 'Ah've bin ter Brummagem' This means 'I've been to Birmingham.'
A good example of old english words that are still used would be the words Midden or miskin. In anglo saxon it meant a dung heap but was often used to mean rubbish heap. Today it means the outside bin or rubbish as in 'Ah threw it on the midden,'
Next Friday I'll post some more about the Black Country and our dialect with some pictures.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Row, row, row your boat...
My good friend Kate Hardy is holding a party on her blog to celebrate her 25th book for Mills and Boon. Kate writes medicals and Modern extras. Call over if you have chance in the next couple of days and help her celebrate. There are prizes!
Eight weeks now on Charlie and the RNA conference is looming nearer. It would be good to hear one way or the other before then as I know Maddie is going to the RWA conference in America just after that.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The infinite nature of time
Only four weeks until school breaks up for the summer and then once the holidays are over Christmas planning will begin with hardly time to draw breath in between.
Sometimes I wish I could stop the clock, hold the hour for just that beat longer. My children are growing up so quickly. In September my eldest begins her options year, my middle daughter enters her final year at primary school and my baby will be year five.
Where did that time go?
Friday, June 22, 2007
Downs and ups
Oh well, such is life. Now if I find my books on an e book pirate site that will be the topmost accolade.
On the up side I visited Romance Junkie's readers for my daily visit and found my cover of Marrying Max up on their front page. Whoo hoo! I was so surprised and excited.
It's still very, very wet here and many of the country lanes I have to travel as part of my work would be impassible if I didn't have Baby. The garden is very green and jungley at the moment with water dripping off my Magnolia and the wisteria. It gives quite a tropical effect.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Just a note
Hope over and tell me which book you've read this year that you'd give an award to.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Rain, rain go away
My toe is a very unlovely shade of yellow and black. At least the swelling has diminished but I'm still hopping around.
Blue Remembered Heels is still going well, the more I can get done the better before my pitch at the conference. No news from M&B.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Marrying Max is out today!

Available from
Winner of the Romance Prize 2007
Mr Right Now meets Ms Forever. Some matches need a lot of work.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Toeing the line
In other news I think I may have broken my toe. I fell over an empty laundry basket and my fourth toe is now an interesting shade of purple and black. It's also very ouchie when I walk or drive. I'd have gone to A&E but it seemed silly when all they would do is strap it and I'm allergic to tape plus it helps if the toe they strap it to is straight and my toes aren't. I hate my feet!
Marrying Max releases tomorrow from Samhain!!!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day
So, Happy Father's Day!!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Talk to the hand!
The weather has been fun here too talking of drowning. Did anyone see the pics of the tornado on the news? That was five miles away from me. Luckily I'd left my temp base and gone back to my other clinic before the storm broke or I might not have made it home. As it was the journey was horrific, lights out, phones dead and two feet of water in places. Thankfully my trusty car, Baby, is a 4X4.
I'm looking forward to the RNA conference in a few weeks time. It will be so lovely to meet up with old friends, make new ones and take part in some great workshops. I have a pitch session booked too with the editor for Little Black Dress - eek! Better write some more of Blue Remembered Heels!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Oh, baby, baby.
Tonight is weightwatchers again - it'll be interesting to see if I've lost any weight this week. I hope so, I've been very good.
Work is still manic but the end is nigh for my covering the extra work that I've been doing for the past nine months. Yay!!!!!! Just a few more weeks and hopefully I can hand it over.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tum ti tum ti tum
Still waiting on baby news from Judy and medical news from M&B.
This week is really testing my patience gene for some reason - I don't know why. I know that the editors are really busy and it's always a bit crazy at this time of year. I've been trying to keep busy writing Blue Remembered Heels. I can't do any more on my med partials until I know something one way or another. One, I might be repeating an error if they don't buy Charlie and two, my writing time is so limited I can't afford to spend it on a speculative sale when I've other publishers and agents interested in new material. That's why I thought the more I get done on BRH, then if M&B do want Charlie my time will be free then to carry on the meds I have outined and part written depending which story they'd most like to see first.
So I'll carry on trying to distract myself and perfect this patience business.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Lots of meetings and audits this week - sigh. Hoping to get more writing done. I'm 21k into Blue Remembered Heels now so thats good. No other news to report on Charlie. Marrying Max is out next week as an e book - very excited about that. Remember you have till the 18th if you haven't entered Mine and Jessica Raymond's contest for A Taste of Summer yet. Drop by our websites and enter.
With Jessica and Judy's babies imminent I'm waiting on baby news as well as book news!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I 'heart' fictionwise
No news on Charlie - almost 6 weeks now and my nerves are in shreds.
But then I looked at Fictionwise to see how Be My Hero was faring and it's at 21!!! Yay, holding it's own against some very big names.
Plus, the nicest part, was all the votes from readers were great and good!!!
Now my day seems much brighter.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Be My Hero
Monday, June 04, 2007
In search of Mr. Darcy - part two

(Photo's from The Western Telegraph) The house seen above was apparantly used for some interior shots for the film and the other pic is of Cillian Murphy on set. We roamed around Tenby on our search but couldn't find the filming or any proof re: The Colin Firth rumour. There were people who'd seen Sienna Miller and Keira Knightly though.
The males in our party were not very fussed about looking for either of those two ladies and when we couldn't find Colin the females kind of lost interest too, and we abandoned the quest. So, is Colin Firth in the film? I really don't know but it was fun looking for him.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
In search of Mr. Darcy - part one
Rumours persisted however that the filming was still going on and there were some mentions of Tenby - so guess where we went next?
To be continued
Saturday, June 02, 2007
I'll blog about my hols tomorrow and my quest for Mr Darcy in Tenby but I couldn't wait to congratulate all the nominees and especially Phillipa!