Friday, May 25, 2007
And we're off!

Thursday, May 24, 2007
Weighty stuff
My final line edits are done for the e book version of Marrying Max and are back with my editor. I still have yellow highlighting and comma splices dancing around in front of my eyes but I can't wait for June 19th when it'll be out.
Don't forget the contest Jess and I are running for A Taste of Summer - pop by our websites and enter.
Over on My Space I have a new author spotlight posted - go meet Connie Keenan.
Tomorrow is supposed to be my day off so I can pack for the holiday but as I'm still covering the extra caseload I have to go in for a meeting.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Blind as a bat
I finally got to try on the kids glasses and as usual they were a perfect fit. The nice lady was mollified when she realised that the price of two pairs of kid frames and the lenses was about the same as I would have paid for the two for one offer on the designer frames.
A few weeks ago I won the arc of my good friend Amanda's new book - You Had Me At Halo
I've been wanting to read it for ages and this weekend I finally did. The book is just so Amanda and so great! I think it's out in September and you all have to rush and get your copy as soon as it's out. Trust me - it's a really good read.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Lazy Sunday
Blue Remembered Heels is still going really well but I need to do a little research before I can finish my current chapter. The agent emailed me Friday to say she had my package - so more nail-biting. I know it's going to kill me if I don't hear from M&B this week as once we're away my email access will be very limited and I'm one of those few people who doesn't use a mobile phone. I do have one but it's never turned on and only about five people have the number. Oh well, I suppose news keeps - good or bad.
I'm looking forward to my holiday, we're off to Wales to Keeston, which is a small village between Haverfordwest and St Davids. The Belles are really excited as our friends daughters are going too. Yes, this is the girlfest holiday. So beach, shopping, barbecues and castles here we come. Can't wait!
Friday, May 18, 2007
A Taste of Summer...

This is a beach read duet - two summery seaside stories ideal for vacation reading or for that lazy afternoon in the shade with a cool drink. It's extra special that my duet partner is Jessica Raymond, my cp. It's a real buzz to see a cover with both our names on the front and to celebrate we're holding a contest!
Drop by our websites http://www.jessica-raymond.com and http://www.nelldixon.com and enter. The prize is great - a summer themed goodie basket with a signed (by me) copy of Fall in Love and a signed by both of us copy of A Taste of Summer. Suncream, beach ball, fudge, a frisbee and a ton of other goodies.
A Taste of Summer will be available from http://www.moonlitromance.com later today.
Here's the blurb:
MAKING WAVES by Nell Dixon
Cassidy Jones needs a holiday and her friend, Tammy’s cottage in New Bay sounds perfect. The beach could heal the bruises from losing her job and her fiancé.
Josh Parker is also looking forward to a much needed break after eighteen months of non-stop work. His friend Tammy’s cottage would be just right for some time alone. Or would it...
ONE SHORE THING by Jessica Raymond
Desperate to escape London, Carrie Vaughan heads for the Cornish coastal town of New Bay.Noah Trevanion needs an assistant in his deli shop. He is delighted when Carrie walks through the door.Soon, their relationship becomes something special. But even in New Bay, where the sun shines and the sea whispers, could Carrie's past catch up with her?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Write on
Galleys are proofed for A Taste of Summer which releases on Friday!!!!! Yay!
Galleys are due from Samhain soon for Marrying Max e book version. Then I'm clear of edits till November as Dangerous to Know is a December release.
I've left my medical partials until I hear about Charlie Darling. I've loads of ideas for medicals but it's such a limited market if Charlie doesn't get taken up by M&B, and there are no guarentees, I can't afford to invest time in them. Of course if Charlie does sell then I'll be sooo happy to get going again.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Wet, wet, wet
We had a near miss when we were almost home when some moron in an orange car decided to cut us up on the island. Mr Nell thought he'd hit us as the orange car appeared to sport a large dent but Baby appeared undamaged - not that Mr Orangecar moron stopped to see. He pretended he was going to pull over then sped off. The belles were shaken up but are okay now. We stopped off at the policestation and reported him.
We went to Burnham for the weekend as a prebirthday treat for La as she'll be 9 next weekend. We had dinner at La Vela, our favourite restaurant on the Friday night then spent Saturday shopping at Street. I spent some of my romance prize money on a new bag for my laptop. Not just any bag though and I know Kate Hardy will like this - a Radley laptop bag. There's a Tula outlet shop and I have the most gorgeous laptop bag for a bargain price.
La bought a new top, converser shoes in blue polka dots and more Sylvanian family stuff so she was very happy.We had lunch at a nice pub then hit the heady arcades of Burnham to win stuff on the 2p fall machines followed by a barbecue and eurovision party.
How did Serbia win?! The Ukraine was robbed!
The perfect birthday treat weekend as far as La was concerned.
Friday, May 11, 2007
N.B to Ocado
Please can you ensure that we have the cute young driver to deliver our groceries next time? I know this is a strange request but my eldest daughter is wasting valuable lipgloss and hair products only to be disappointed when someone else delivers.
It also means that her enthusiasm to help me put away the groceries diminishes considerably when the driver is not the 'hot' guy.
Yours sincerely, Harrassed mother of three.
Thursday, May 10, 2007

This is my screen saver.
Eight Things about Bryan Adams.
1. Whenever you see him in concert he always gives the impression that he really loves what he does. I've been to a lot of gigs and some just give the impression that they really don't want to be there. Bryan really goes out of his way to make every part of the audience feel as if they are involved in the show.
2. He is a very sexy guy. No, he's not conventionally good looking but the sexiest men often aren't. He's very confident about his music and that in itself is sexy.
3. His music is excellent, he can rock and do the big power soft rock ballards. He writes songs and plays guitar and he's never been afraid to try new styles of music.
4. His voice is just incredible. I don't think there would be a woman at that show who didn't feel that when he sang 'Have you ever really loved a woman' or 'lets make love' that he was singing that just for her and her alone.
5. There aren't any gimmicks. What you see is what you get. One guy in jeans and a plain tee shirt with a few other guys, making music. No flashy lights, costume changes, smoke effects, nothing. Just Bryan for two hours. He used two stages and often strolls out among the audience.
6. He does a lot of work for various groups, Born Free, Friends of the Earth etc. Born Free were there last night collecting and signing people up. He actively campaigns for the causes he believes in and isn't just a 'face' the way some celebrities are.
7. He's a talented photographer. He shot some pics recently for M&S of Bryan Ferry which were used in their ad campaign.
8. He's incredibly honest and straightforward. he was on Chris Evans radio show a while ago doing some stupid quiz thing where the celebs played to win seconds to promote themselves. Chris Eans offered him the chance to cheat when he didn't do too well and he refused saying a few seconds was fine. When he got his few seconds he just said he was playing a gig at wherever it was if anyone fancied coming along. It drove Chris Evans nuts, he couldn't understand why Bryan wasn't plugging an album or the tour or why he simply wouldn't cheat to have more time.
I think I'm supposed to tag someone but I can't remember who I tagged for this before so if you read it and want to play consider yourself tagged!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Guess where I'm going tomorrow?

Monday, May 07, 2007
Hearts and Flowers
Eventually the mystery was solved - The flowers were from the lovely people at The People's Friend!
They completely fill one of my large crystal vases and are absolutely gorgeous and such a wonderful, wonderful surprise!
Yesterday I saw the sample of the cover for mine and Jessica's upcoming release - A Taste Of Summer and it's gorgeous! I can't wait to share it with you, it looks so lovely and beachy.
I finished my second round edits for Samhain, so now just final edits/proof to go and second/proof edits for Moonlit. I'm hoping to finish another chapter of Blue Remembered Heels today so I can send that to Jessica, then I need to read my devotional chapter entries and get that finished too.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
What I did today

This was the place where Charles II fled to escape Cromwell's troops. It has a descendant of the legendary oak tree where Charles hid while the soldiers searched for him. We had a tour of the house and saw the priest holes where he hid. The gardens and tea rooms are quite lovely and we had a wonderful time.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Catching my breath
I'm working on figuring out a schedule for what I need to be writing. I have two med partials started and my single title to work on. I also should have two lots of second round edits due - one from Moonlit and one from Samhain.
A Taste of Summer - the beach read duet will be out later this month - I can't wait to see the cover. Moonlit and By Grace do the most gorgeous covers.
Today is polling day here in the UK for the local council elections - GO VOTE!!