Monday, June 30, 2008

Random stuff

I found out from a friend today that Amazon has already started to deliver preordered copies of Blue Remembered Heels - eek! I wasn't expecting that.
The weekend was busy with the belles doing more ballet and tap exams. I am not good with doing hair in buns. I even used a device called a bun net. I am only slightly less sucky at doing buns than I am at doing French plaits. Perhaps it's as well that I'm not a 'showbiz' type Mom.
Next weekend is the RNA conference - I'm really looking forward to going even though some of my favourite people will be missing this year. I always come back feeling full of inspiration. Now if I can just find time to pack in between work and running up to the various schools on an evening then I'll be doing well. Hate this end of term mania when there is so much to squeeze in, especially when a lot of it is at short notice. One of my pet grievances - 'Hello, working parents here - it would be good to know a few weeks in advance if you're planning something in the day like, oh, a leavers service, or a report evening. Oh, and evening is not 3pm til 6pm in my book. Grumbl, mumble
On the good side, C4 of Crystal Clear is almost done!

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