Friday, March 26, 2010

Did you miss me?

I'm home at last and I don't have to go anywhere for a little while. Yay! Work trip to Bournemouth was good, nice hotel, good company, interesting speakers at the conference, presentation went well. Downsides, administrative cockups over the hotel payment, the train tickets, my job share partner was ill and it rained. Oh boy did it rain on Wednesday night. I did get to walk on the beach though and see the sea which always lifts my spirits and makes me feel happy.
I wrote quite a few pages longhand on the train for Me, You and Him, so I need to typre those up and I really like this book :) Remind me of this when I reach the middle and am moaning and groaning about how rubbish it is.
Now though I need to unpack, sort out all my notes and conference papers and just flake out somewhere for a few hours.

1 comment:

Karen Roderick said...

Glad you got that walk on the beach, and good luck with the next novel, I love the title, Karen.