Sunday, February 22, 2009

Household Law

An offshoot from the rather better known Murphy's law, household law dictates that whenever you order something for the home or have work done in the home there shall be a problem. Nothing ever arrives as it should, gets done when they say it will or goes ahead without a hitch.
Yesterday the new furniture arrived. In order to get the sofa into the house (it's large) the movers had to undo the shades from the hall light. Once in the lounge they zipped on all the cushions and headed back to the ranch. At this point me and Mr Nell went to turn the sofa around so it faced the right way. Household law struck with the discovery that the frame appeared to be strangely bendy. We suspect it's actually fractured. Cue phone calls to the furniture people - a new replacement sofa is scheduled to be delivered now on Tuesday. In the meantime I have no ceiling light in the hall - there seems little point in putting it all back up if it's got to come off again - and all the pleasure of getting something new and nice is gone. Not to mention that having spent all of yesterday waiting in as they couldn't be bothered to call and give me a rough delivery time, I now have to spend all of Tuesday hanging around too.


Anonymous said...

And I thought things like this happened to me and me alone!! What a nightmare. Hope you get to enjoy your cosy new couch soon x

Julie Day said...

I too thought it was just my family that those things happened too. Glad I am not the only one then. But it's annoying in any case.

Phillipa said...

When I first saw this i thought you'd fractured yourself!!! What a apin though - why can't things actually work first time?

P x