Sunday, October 27, 2024

Guest Blogger Simone Van Kan

A very warm welcome to a new guest, Simone Van Kan, with a very different kind of book. The Serious Road Trip is the true story of a unique bunch of friends offering hope, food and uplifting shows to children in the war-torn and forgotten corners of the Balkans during the nineties.
When Simone set off from New Zealand in the early 1990s, eager to experience what the world had to offer, she couldn’t have imagined how things would develop. The Iron Curtain was falling and the world seemed to be opening up to nations previously cut off from the western world. Against this backdrop of change, she was one of a group of Kiwi friends who would embark on the journey of a lifetime called ‘The Serious Road Trip’. Initially sparked off by the plight of the orphans in Romania, they planned to travel by red double-decker bus from London to New Zealand working with underprivileged children on route. The one-year itinerary was mapped out, but fate would intervene and the Bosnian war broke out in 1992 as they started their journey. Compelled by circumstance, the bus joined a Peace Convoy into Sarajevo in the hope of stopping the war. They became the first British-based group to break this infamous siege in June 1992. With compassionate hearts and living day by day, they endeavoured to meet some of the needs of orphans and refugees in many of the most remote and dangerous war-torn regions. They captured hearts and imaginations as they ‘juggled’ their way across borders and checkpoints in Bosnia-H, Croatia, Romania and elsewhere. Travelling in colourful trucks or by red London bus they developed their own unique and maverick form of humanitarian relief where keeping your sense of humour became a matter of survival. Simone’s personal journey is interwoven with the ups and downs of fund-raising in the London head-office, leading teams of clowns alongside convoy projects and across frontlines or journeying to forgotten corners of Romania. Simone details how she and her fellow volunteer humanitarian Road Trippers offered tangible help and hope in the darkest of times and places. This factual account is told by a woman following her path and searching for love in the most unlikely places. She finds more than she bargained for. This tells of a journey of courage and self-discovery, where extreme circumstances reveal all sorts of strengths and a pioneering spirit within. It shows what the bonds of friendship and love can surmount when kindred spirits unite, show compassion and dare to dream. "I have always seen the arts as a way to unify people in the community, tapping into a deep aspect of our shared humanity." – Simone Van Kan The Serious Road Trip is a personal story of a particular time in our recent history and I wondered why Simone had become involved and what had driven her to write her book. "I’ve always wanted to reach a wider audience and was inspired to put my experiences into writing after seeing the enthusiasm of my young school pupils, who would often beg me to share another story of my adventures helping others. I hoped that one day these stories would inspire a film about authenticity, courage and compassion—showing that no matter the differences, circumstances or the country, we can always make a positive impact in our communities. It was also a worthwhile personal challenge to document and release such important memories without the time constraints of a speech or conversation. I wanted the reader to feel part of the journey of transformation." About Simone: Born in England and raised in New Zealand, where Māori and European cultures intertwine, I pursued a degree in French and Modern Languages, which led to many adventures abroad, including humanitarian work in the Balkans. It was during this time that my passion for music and the performing arts re-emerged, inspiring me to develop creative projects for children in difficult circumstances such as orphanages and refugee camps in the Balkans during the nineties. These profound experiences motivated me to further my studies in puppetry in Germany and France, as well as earning a Graduate Diploma in Primary Teaching in New Zealand. Currently, I live in Devon with my husband and daughter, actively participating in local theatre groups such as The Teign Valley Players and “Open the Book,” run by the Bible Society. As a co-founder of The Serious Road Trip, I’ve shared my journey in various talks, recounting how this humanitarian organization came into being and the life-changing experiences I encountered through it. You can get Simone's book HERE And check out the website HERE “ I recall meeting you and the company in Mostar (1994)…I think your story is extraordinary and would make a wonderful film”Martin Sheen (USA) “ As a Sarajevan, I feel forever indebted to these folks for their selfless act of empathy while taking huge risks” HE Vanja Filipovic, Bosnian Ambassador in London with reference to TSRT and Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden “May many be tempted by your adventure. In Peace” Patch Adams MD “You guys are awesome” Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden at London premiere of “Scream for me Sarajevo” documentary

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Guest Blogger - Miranda Ramphul

A very warm welcome to my guest blogger, Miranda Ramphul talking about her new book Silent Truths, Spoken Lies and the inspiration behind it. Miranda, please tell us a bit about you. Hi,I'm a retired lawyer. I was a Partner in an international law firm based in the City of London and specialised in construction law. On retirement, I moved to Stratford upon Avon and became a trustee of a couple of charities, including a hospice. Twoyears ago, I moved to Devon with my husband Rob tolive by the sea – and write. Silent Truths, Spoken Lies is my debut novel.
It sounds like you've led an interesting life. What is your book about? The purple-black bruises around the back of her neck reminded Poppy of ink fingerprints. It is the summer of 2003. Poppy lives inside her head and notices everything. She sees that her parents seem to have it all: country house, Notting Hill flat and a tight circle of friends. She witnesses her brother call Kiran, the stepson of one ofthose friends, weird. And when Kiran is accused of attacking her, she observes how the accusation sparks a series of uncontrollable events. Kiran is adamant he didn’t hurt her. Her mother has no doubt he did and is determined to ensure he is punished. Twenty years later, Poppy’s story is told to a hospice patient, and the unspeakable truth is finally revealed. Silent Truths, Spoken Lies, told through the eyes of Poppy, is a compelling psychological novel. It explores complicated family relationships and the nature of lies. Independent reviewers have called it: “A great debut novel that keeps you guessing! Impactful and thought-provoking.” ***** “A gripping read” **** Sounds great! What inspired the book? I wrote Silent Truths, Spoken Lies as I’m curious how people sometimes make assumptions of others based on their own prejudices, and how they mayunconsciously lie to affirm those assumptions – lie to others, lie to themselves. Often the reason is because they may feel unheard and ignored so they look for scapegoats – we see it all the time. In this book, each member of a seemingly perfect family has reason to lie. Oooh, sounds good. Where can readers get hold of a copy of Silent Truths, Spoken Lies? It's on Amazon or through Waterstones in the UK or HERE Fabulous, thank you so much, and readers can follow Miranda or get in touch with her on her Website or on Instagram

Monday, October 07, 2024

Here, there and everywhere

It's a busy old time at the minute. In addition to writing Murder at Highcliffe Hall, which will be the February release for Kitty and Matt I'm editing book 2 in the new series. Lot's of work to do there and about to start writing book 3 in that series. Hopefully I'll have some news soon on when book 1 of the Secret Detective agency will be releasing. For those of you in the UK I have several things coming up. Tomorrow evening I'm reading in Bovey Tracey at the Devon Anthology event. This is now sold out. You can also catch me at Churston Library on Tuesday 22nd October - tickets from the library and they include coffee and cake! Bargain. November 2nd, I'm at Clevedon lit fest near Yatton just outside Bristol where I'm on a panel. Finally on the 17th of November i'm at Crime at the Coast at Torquay Museum. Please get your tickets early for any of these events if you don't want to be disappointed. For those of you outside the UK I've been on several podcasts this year. If you google my name and podcast you should be able to find them. I know some are on spotify. In personal news, I'm going to become a Nonna again in February as my middle daughter is expecting their second little boy! We have lots of family visiting this month as well as work being done to the house! eek! Busy times.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Return of guest blogger - Verity Bright

A warm welcome back to my writerly chums, Verity Bright here to let you know about their fabulous new release - Murder on the Nile. Doesn't that sound fabulously Agathaish!!! A cruise down the Nile, a camel ride around the pyramids, lunch in the shadow of the Sphinx… And a very dead body! 1924. Lady Eleanor Swift and her butler Clifford are touring the great, ancient sights of Egypt on a much-anticipated extended vacation. But when the pair arrive at the docks in Cairo expecting to board the luxurious paddle steamer advertised in their brochure, they are baffled by the crumbling old cruiser waiting for them. And things only go from bad to worse as death stalks the decks of the SS Cleopatra… Two days into the trip one of their fellow passengers, Lieutenant Baxter, is found shot dead in his locked cabin. Immediately suspicious and desperate to see justice done, Eleanor discovers a half-finished note addressed to her hidden in Baxter’s travelling trunk. In it he asks her to deliver a vitally important letter to the authorities at their next stop down river: a priceless treasure worthy of a king has been stolen and an innocent man’s life hangs in the balance. But before the sands of time wipe away all evidence on board, Eleanor must uncover who among the other travellers wanted Baxter dead. Was it the anxious archaeologist who doesn’t have an alibi, the reptile expert with a passion for the murderous Nile crocodile or the art dealer with a devious secret? With the killer readying to strike again much closer to home, can Eleanor dig up the truth before she’s trapped in a tomb under the pyramids forever? A gripping and twisty 1920s murder mystery set in Egypt, perfect for fans of Agatha Christie, T.E. Kinsey and Lee Strauss!
Get your copy HERE

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Guest Blogger - Mary Georgina de Grey

A warm welcome to a new guest this week - Mary Georgina de Grey. If you love a good romantic story then Mary Georgina is the writer for you. Her new release is Then Time Stands Still which is set in Spain. I asked her to tell us a little more about her writing: 'Learning several languages and using them at work has meant I have lived in different European countries, and I even spent a couple of years in South America. This rich experience has provided me with lots of material for my novels. I’m not writing a series, but the novels each have a love story as central and feature strong women determined to make something of their lives, despite setbacks – and there are quite a few. Setting is important for me. For my first novel, I went to Italy, the second takes place in both South America and South Wales, and Then Time Stands Still, which will be published on 18th September 2024, unfolds in Spain. At the moment, I’m writing my fourth novel, rekindling my love affair with France, in the Midi-Pyrénées.'
'I really enjoyed writing this book, especially doing the research into archaeology and wine-making. And, of course,the food and customs of the country. Even if I know the place really well, I still have to ensure everything is up to date. The internet is fantastic, but person to person is still the best. I love writing contemporary novels, as the research is also into jobs and professions, how they are carried out, and bywhom, what it feels like day-to-day. People sometimes suggest it might be boring, but I have often found research unearths plotlines and forces me to consider a completely new (and usually better) way forward. But my readers don’t want a travelogue, and, at some stage, I have to get down to writing the story. I write in my studyat home, sometimes four or five hours a day, once I’m in the story. It’s scruffy but I’m not in there to admire its décor. Generally, I’m seated by a lovely Art Nouveau window which glows gradually brighter, as the sun moves around the house in the afternoon. Inspiration comes from newspaper and news website articles, stories people tell me, history, but mainly from observing how people react in different situation.' This sounds fabulous! Here is the blurb for Then Time Stands Still English archaeologist Dr Amancia Harding has looked after her family for five years. Now it’s time to take care ofherself and leading a team on a dig in Spain is the perfect way to propel her career forward. Her good intentions are threatened when she meets vineyard owner Max Serrano. Damaged by war in Ukraine and a tragic event in his past, Max has given up on relationships and taken refuge in making wine, but the attraction he feels to Amancia forces him to confront painful issues. There’s also the gulfbetween their two cultures to consider if a relationship is to have any chance of success. Ambitious and fiery in character, can either accept that compromise is sometimes necessary to find happiness? Published by The Wild Rose Press you can get your copy from Here in the UK and shortly from Amazon U.S or as a paperback. Catch up with Mary Georgina HERE on her website HERE on Facebook and you can EMAIL her here to sign up for her newsletter or to tell her how much you love her books! Thank you so much for stopping by!!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Guest Blogger - Julie Hartley

Please give a very warm welcome to Julie Hartley. Julie's fantastic new book, Her Secret Soldier has just been released. Here's Julie to tell us more about it and how she came to write it. I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of forbidden love – love so strong that while common sense tells you to walk away, your heart compels you to do otherwise. Her Secret Soldier takes place in England in 1940. The life of the main character, Rose, is forever changed when she discovers a German spy in the ancient woodland behind her home. She should report him to the Home Guard, but under Britain’s new Treachery Act, this could lead to his execution. Walter is injured and helpless, and he swears he was forced into his mission. Rose shouldn’t believe him, but she’s lonely, trapped in a miserable life… …and she’s falling in love. Rose decides to trust her intuition, and she hides Walter in an abandoned cottage. Then she learns of his rendezvous with Otto, a German spy whose loyalty to Hitler is not in doubt. Otto will stop at nothing to advance Hitler’s cause, and he recruits Walter to help with an act of sabotage that could result in hundreds of deaths. Rose wonders if Walter could have been lying to her all along – and she must choose between loyalty to her country, or the life of the man she loves. The inspiration for Her Secret Soldier was Operation Lena, one of the most disastrous of Hitler’s campaigns. In September 1940, dozens of German spies were sent into Britain by parachute and rowing boat. They knew nothing of the country, and some didn’t even speak fluent English! History tells us that within days, all the spies were captured, but I wondered… how can we be so sure? Her Secret Soldier is a tale of forbidden love, treachery and espionage. It was released by Bookouture on 12th September for Kindle, as a paperback and as an audio book. Get your copy HERE
Julie Hartley is a creative writing teacher, retreat host, and the author of three previous books including The Finding Place , a novel for young readers. She is the co-founder of Centauri Arts, which offers creative workshops, and writing retreats in Mexico and Costa Rica. Julie was born in Lincolnshire but now lives in Toronto, Canada, with her husband and daughter. Her Secret Soldier, released by Bookouture, is now available on Amazon. Follow her author page on Facebook: @juliehartleywriter

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Murder in the Countryside is out!

Phew, Murder in the Countryside is out and sporting jaunty litle bestseller flags all over the place. Thank you all so much for the wonderful reviews, messages and emails I've received. It is very much appreciated. You've probably also noticed that Murder in New York, the Christmas book that I wrote in our all too brief spell of hot weather is also up for preorder. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you at Ivybridge next week and Dartmouth is just over a fortnight. I've just started writing Murder at Highcliffe Hall which will be the next Miss Underhay adventure! I'm also close to finishing the first draft of the second in the new Secret Detectives Agency book. I am so excited for 2025 when I can share all of these with you. I know you'll love Jane, Arthur and Marmaduke the cat as much as I do. If you haven't yet got your copy of Murder in the Countryside remember you can read it on KU, listen on audio or stroke it lovingly as a paperback HERE