Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snow and birthdays

Today is my birthday and the schools are closed because of the snow, which means my birthday meal out is looking a bit shaky. I should have gone out on Tuesday with my friend but she had to bail because she's buried under work, so I don't think socialising is in the stars for me this week. The kids are outside making a snowman. I give La about fifteen minutes before she comes back in wet through and dithering telling me she doesn't like snow.
My presents were interesting from the girls. My dh had coerced them into buying me a bottle of Happy, my favourite perfume but the two little ones decided to present me with a gift of their own choosing too. La gave me a tiny snowglobe which she informed me she'd meant to give me last year but forgot. Boo gave me a small teapot. I don't drink tea. She then went on to say she'd won it at the school summer fair and not to worry about the damaged box lid as that was where she'd torn the raffle ticket off.
I love birthdays!


Michelle Styles said...

Happy Brithday Nell!!!

May this year bring truly wonderful things....

We have snow here as well.

Jessica Raymond said...


Hope you have a great day and that you get a yummy dinner whether it's out or at home :) Being unusually disorganized this week I didn't make the post in time yesterday, so your card from me should be arriving tomorrow... sorry!

Lots of love,

Jess x

Lis said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Wishing you a great day *hugs*

Sara Hantz said...

Happy Birthday, Nell....

Hope you have a fab day.

Monica said...

Belated birthday wishes, Nell!