Sunday, October 07, 2007


My hip is sore today as I did quite a bit of driving yesterday. I'm still waiting for treatment, something else I need to chase up next week.
My new editor got in touch on Friday so I should be recieving edits for Blue Remembered Heels soon - eek! The good news is that she loves the story. I had been a bit concerned as I'd sold it unfinished and worried that they might not have liked the ending.
Still no news from M&B.


Jessica Raymond said...

Yay for the response from your editor, and hugs on the sore hip. Hope you've had a nice relaxing Sunday!

Jess x

Michelle Styles said...

Hooray for your new editor.

Be kind to your hip.

Sara Hantz said...

Hope you get the hip sorted soon. Yay, on the editor's response.

Amanda Ashby said...

Hooray that your ed loved the end of your book. I honestly can't wait to read it - the amazon blurb just rocks so much! Hope your hip feels better soon!