Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I'm back - oh yeah!

Well, I have a new computer. I'm busy reinstalling stuff and hoping my friends dh will come over and put my missing progs on for me so I can upload all the stuff from my flash and from my disk of saved the data that the computer man managed to save for me.
I need to get my email addy book imported and then I might even get some of my missing emails back. Yay!!!!!!
The good news is that Jess has been her wonderful and fantastic self and managed to crit my chapters to date of Animal Instincts. I've been busy layering and writing on the very old craptop and I'm getting there - if I could just decide how it ends and who the bad guy/girl is I'll be done. Hopefully, all being well I'll be typing the End in a couple of weeks. Then comes the next few rounds of layering and polishing.


Unknown said...

So pleased you have a new one and that Jess was the star we know she is!!!

Jessica Raymond said...

You do flatter me, since I was *VERY* behind schedule with them all!!

LOL at "craptop" :)

Michelle Styles said...

Hooray that you are back!!!