Welcome to 2014!
This year promises to bring a lot of changes - some good, some, well, who knows! I have two stories underway to finish and release. At The Dolphin Hotel - a cosy mystery with a mix of romance!, and Sophie's Choice, the prequel to Christmas Ever After. An Uncivil War will be releasing in print as will Marrying Max. Demand is growing for my writing courses and my copy editing and critiquing business and Brierley Rose Press is becoming more established.
On a personal front my day job is looking shaky - nothing like getting an advance notice of redundancy in with your Christmas cards :)
I have a landmark birthday in a few weeks time too and Mr Nell is taking me to Malta for a week! We fly on my birthday. I love Malta and haven't been for quite a few years now so I'm excited to be going back.
Thank you to everyone who's supported me this last year, my family, my friends, my colleagues and my readers. I appreciate all of you so much.
Here's to a bright and sparkly 2014, may it find you healthy and happy, with food in your larder, a roof over your head, money in your pocket and books to read!
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