Thursday, April 18, 2024

Going out out!

Yesterday I had a lovely time meeting writerly people. First in Exeter with a fab lunch talking to friends old and new about everything writing and publishing. Then on the evening out to Totnes to meet more locally based writing friends old and new! Now though it's back to work as these books won't write themselves! The first in my new series, The Secret Detective Agency which will be out next year is sitting with my agent and my editor so I'm diving into writing book 2. The next Miss Underhy book, Murder on the French Riviera is out May 28th - the day before my middle daughters wedding! And I'm halfway through writing the next Miss Underhay, Murder at the apple orchard. So I'm a busy bee. Remember you can preorder Murder on the French Riviera now and you can always catch up with me on Twitter, Instagram and my Facebook author page.

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