Monday, March 19, 2007

Did you see what I did?

Well, did you spot it? Yes, I finally managed to put a photo on here! Yay, me. In my mission to improve my terrible skills I've been practising html stuff over the weekend. I'm still rubbish at it but I did manage to do a few more things.
I also did my one page synopsis for Blue Remembered Heels and sent it to Jessica. I did a chat at The Story Board and Lis has kindly agreed to read the first chapter of Blue Remembered Heels for me to give me some reader feedback.
I made some pages at the Author's Den and I worked on my Myspace.
After all the playtime, I need to get writing again - time to refocus on my projects.

1 comment:

Lis said...

Go you!! Sounds like a busy weekend :)