Wednesday, August 22, 2007


After all the recent excitement perhaps it's as well that we're off to Devon tomorrow for ten days. I have three chapters left to go on Blue Remembered Heels so I shall finish it and start the polish while I'm away. My net access may be limited while I'm gone but if I get chance to post then I will.

Again a huge thank you to everyone who sent flowers (you know who you are!) cards, messages, phone calls. Special things are only special if you can share them with friends and I'm very blessed in my friends.


Susan Rix said...

I've just heard your FANTASTIC & EXCITING news. MEGA CONGRATULATIONS Nell!!!!

Have a fab holiday - you've certainly earned it!


Kate Hardy said...

Have a lovely holiday, Nell.

Made even sweeter by all your good news. :o)

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful holiday :-)